How The Chinese View Americans: Pompous, Fat, The Enemy!

Posted by explogame On Thursday 7 July 2016 0 comments

Chinese Interviewed in Beijing 

China Real Time hit the streets to see how average Beijinger views the U.S.-China relationship.
(The Wall Street Journal)

Peng Xu
23, 7-Eleven cashier
What's your opinion of the U.S.? My deepest impression about America is Wall Street and its financial 
industry. Also, Americans are polite.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? America and China aren't friends. They seem to be 
friendly on the surface but nobody knows what's really going on inside.
Liu Xuyang
18, high school student
What's your opinion of the U.S.? America is rich and things there aren't expensive. Meat is
cheap, but the price of vegetables is higher. And many Americans are fat.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? War isn't going to break out in the next 50
years. But because I'm not in the army, I don't really think war is any of my business.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about Chinese?Misunderstandings come from
regional differences. For example, in America electronic games are just for playing and for fun. In China,
they're more professional.

Wang Jiayu
22, college student
What's your opinion of the U.S.? I'm most impressed by Manhattan and the American TV series "Gossip Girl,"
 but they also make me think America is kind of pompous as a whole.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? It isn't positive.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China?  Americans consider Chinese uncivilized.
 But not everyone is like this--everyone is different.
Yan Ercan
52, cleaner
What's your opinion of the U.S.? Americans follow rules very well. For example, I once saw an American
 wait for a policeman’s guidance after a small traffic accident instead of running away.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? It isn't positive. The two countries are using each othe
based on their own interests.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China? The most problematic part between these 
two countries is the issue of Taiwan. America and Taiwan are tied closely, and they put a lot of pressure on China.

Ms. Li
25, medical technician
What's your opinion of the U.S.? It's an advanced country with high medical standards. Doctors there are 
paid well.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? The U.S.-China relationship is always intense. 
America can't stand China’s development because it wants to maintain its world dominance.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China? It’s hard to say exactly 
what Americans’ misconceptions towards China are, but one thing for sure is that they like to pick on China.
Jia Shaoying
43, restaurant owner
What's your opinion of the U.S.? Americans are bad and they're trying to split every country into two, 
like China, Korea and the Soviet Union. America wants to be the world police and take over the whole world. In 2008, Americans caused the financial crisis. 
Because of that, my business closed. I lost my deposit of 400,000-500,000 yuan ($64,000-$80,000)
 and my car.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? The America-China relationship seems to be 

good, but actually it's not. For example, Chinese cars and steel are examined when they are exported to
 America and heavily fined. Americans are good at doing this.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China? 

China’s domestic ethnic relations are not that tense. In areas like Yushu, Qinghai and Lhasa, people have
 different beliefs, but they don’t hate each other like America claims.

Note: 400,000-500,000 yuan is approximately 

$64,000-$80,000. An earlier version of misstated the conversion as $64,000-$807,000.


Zhao Pu
67, technician
What's your opinion of the U.S.? America is a free and democratic country, with good social 
rules and civilized people.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? The America-China relationship is pretty good, especially 

because their economies are so intertwined. America is a big client of China's,
 and many Chinese products are exported to America.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China? There are many areas where

 China isn't well-developed, but Americans hope that China will handle everything well in 
one step. America itself has been through the many struggles—including the black liberation movement. Thus China should be 
understood and given a chance to develop over time.
Ms. Jiang
46, employee of a foreign company
What's your opinion of the U.S.? It's arbitrary. They advertise dominance and power outside 
and pursue democracy at home. Americans also tend to neglect minor rules and dress casually at meetings.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? Much of America’s conduct, such as developing 

military power, work against China. But the economic relationship between the two countries is always enhancing, so they are more reliant on 
each other and restrain one another.


Mr. Wang
48, doctor at a public hospital
What's your opinion of the U.S.? Democracy inside, hegemony outside. The U.S. loves to play the role of international policeman. They believe they're the most just and require others to measure up to their standard.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? Generally speaking, it's is fair. Besides, these two large countries have more benefits than disagreements with so much dependence on each others' economies.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China The U.S. believes its democracy is the best and judges China’s human rights based on its standard. But China has its own situation. We have a different social development and political background, so our standard can never be the same as theirs. Running a country is like treating a disease: there is no medicine in the world that can cure every illness. Individual differences must be taken into consideration.

Mr. Wang
68, retired purchasing clerk
What's your opinion of the U.S.? The U.S. is bad, really bad. They just like to instigate conflict.

What do you think of the U.S.-China relationship? The U.S. wants to destroy the relationship between China and Russia. If the two biggest countries get into a conflict, their dream will come true.

What misconceptions do you think Americans have about China That everyone here is unsatisfied. Even inside the U.S., people there aren't satisfied either.




China's Per Capita CO2 Emissions Are Now Greater Than Europe's

Less than 40% of persons in all categories said the other country "can be trusted a great deal / fair amount," with both the Chinese public and elites overwhelmingly distrusting America.
Charts below, courtesy of the Carnegie Endowment:

China v the US: how the superpowers compare

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