5 Drugs That Create Real-Life Zombies

Posted by explogame On Wednesday 6 July 2016 0 comments

5 Drugs That Create Real-Life Zombies 

The word "zombie was first recorded in 1819, in a history of Brazil by poet Robert Southey, in the form of "zombi." The origins of the word is probably West African, and compares to the Kongo words "nzambi" (god) and "zumbi" (fetish). Since then zombies have taken the world by storm in literature and fiction. Even the Pentagon has hopped on the bandwagon, and hilariously laid out a tactical battle plan against the zombie apocalypse. In an unclassified document  titled "CONOP 8888" officials from U.S. strategic command used the zombie apocalypse as a training template for how to plan for real-life, large-scale operations, emergencies and catastrophes. It is incredibly detailed, covering a wide range of species of zombies, and includes scenarios of an all-out, world-wide take-over by the flesh eating undead. It covers zombie life forms "created via some form of occult experimentation in what might otherwise be referred to as 'evil magic,' to vegetarian zombies that pose no threat to humans due to their excessive consumption of vegetation, to zombie life forms created after an organisms is infected with a high dose of radiation." 

Here is a list of 5 Ways Real-Life Zombies are Created. Let's hope the Pentagon has a tactical plan for these zombie-making scenarios!

#5 Face-Eaters (Bath Salts)

The term "bath salts" usually refers to a synthetic drug called, mephedrone, which is chemically similar to cathinone, a drug naturally found in the plant Catha edulis (Khat). It's a white white powder, or crystals, that resemble legal bathing products like epsom salt, but it is chemically different than actual bath salts. It is sold as bath salts but the packaging often states "not for human consumption" in an attempt to avoid the prohibition of drugs. 

It's side effects include a range of serious symptoms, the scariest of which being that it turns a person into a raging face-eating zombie. At least it did for Rudy Eugene in 2009, and resulted in the attack of Ronald Poppo, coined the "Miami Cannibal Attack." Eugene ate Poppo's face almost completely off in an 18-minute long encounter, a nude Eugene accused Poppo of stealing his Bible, beat him unconscious, ripped off his clothes, and ate most of Poppo's face including his left eye and leaving him blind in both eyes. Poppo was a homeless man who lived under a causeway in Miami, and Eugene a nearby car wash employee and ex-football player. Eugene was shot dead by police in the encounter, his toxicology reports stated there were only traces of marijuana in his system but there were no common tests for this drug in 2009.

Another attack, where bath salts were rumored to be the cause, involved Richard Camino Jr., who was arrested in Hawley, Pa. after he broke into a house. After breaking in he soon emerged back out the window, and began to chew on a passing woman's head and face. State police said he tackled the woman, Dean-Conno, and began to "knaw on her head while screaming like an animal!". 

#4 Krokodil

"Krokodil" is the street name for Desomorphine, a powerful morphine derivative that has swept through Russia. The trademark of this drug, and the reason for it's nickname, is the scaly green patches, that resemble crocodile scales, which appear on a user's skin before Krakodil completely deteriorates it away, even through the muscle and down to bone. This is due to the large amounts of toxic substances, usually found in the drug, from novice cookers neglecting to remove the byproducts that cause gangrene, corrosive contamination due to toxic ph levels, and absesses. The drug is usually cooked up and obtained from amateur home labs, in Russia. Rumors of it spreading to the U.S. has been seen in headlines, but most of these claims are unsubstantiated.

It is mostly seen in countries with little or no government control over opiods, resulting in easy access and high availability of the ingredients for Krokodil. Russia didn't ban Desomorphine until 1998, and codeine-containing products were sold over-the-counter until June 2012. The number of users in Russia was estimated to have reached around one million at the peak of the drug's popularity.

#3 K-2 (Synthetic Cannabis)

K-2 is a synthetic cannabis designer drug, sold as a natural high under brand names like Spice or K-2. This is the drug Michael Daniel, 22, of Waco, Texas was on before he assaulted his roommates, ran into his yard, and began crawling around and barking. Seconds later he attacked a neighbor's dog, eating the poor thing alive! The dog died a gruesome death as Daniel beat, bit, and strangled it, also attempting to attack the dog's owner. He now faces a felony charge for animal cruelty. 

(Michael Daniel, mugshot)

#2 Haitian Zombie-Tetrodotoxin

According to voodoo practitioners, or bokors (voodoo sorcerer), a dead person can be revived to life and remain under the control of the bokor, losing all will of their own. In 1937, while researching Haitian folklore, Zora Hurston, pre-eminent writer of  twentieth-century African-American literature, encountered the case of Felicia Felix-Mentor, a woman who had died in 1907 and was soon buried. Later, villagers believed they saw Felicia wandering the streets in a confused state thirty years after her death. Villagers told of a drug used by bokors that could induce confusion and complacency for many years, and that there were many victims forced into a zombie slavery.  
(photo:Felicia Felix-Mentor)

Decades later, Wade Davis, a Canadian etnobotanist, presented a pharmacoligical case for zombies. Davis traveled to Haiti in 1982, and claimed he saw living persons turned into zombies by two powders introduced to the blood stream via a wound. Davis also popularized the story of Clairvius Narcisse, a Haitian man said to have been turned into a living zombie by a combination of drugs. After investigating reports of "zombies" researchers believed that Narcisse received a dose of chemical mixture containing tetrodotoxin (pufferfish venom) and bufotoxin (toad venom) to induce a coma which mimicked the appearance of death. He was allowed to return to his home where he collapsed, "died", and was buried. The Canadian ethnobotanist Wade Davis, who did the research on tetrodotoxin explains how this could have been accomplished. The bokor (sorcerer) would have given Narcisse a powder containing the tetrodotoxin through abraded skin. Narcisse would have then fallen into a comatose state, closely resembling death, which resulted in his live burial. Later, his body would be recovered and revived. Afterwards, he would have regularly been given doses of Datura stramonium, to create a compliant zombie-like state and set to complacent slavery on a plantation. Narcisse claimed that after two years of mindless slavery, the plantation owner died, and Narcisse set out for home and his freedom.

#1 Nazi Zombies-Harteck Virus

The Harteck Virus is rumored German zombie research project which was supposedly funded through the German Post Office, under the Reich Research Council. It is also said that in 1942 Armaments Minister, Albert Speer, began zombie research and moved all funding to support development of human zombies. This is a story definitely based in fiction and begins with  Dr. Groth and Dr. Paul Harteck, leaders in nuclear physics, becoming dismayed at the loss of funding for military use of zombies for weapons. The story goes...

""Harteck in particular had worked with Dr. Fritz Houtermans on the problem of active braincell reanimation (from a corpse). These men were keenly aware of the Austrian scientist Prof. Josef Schintlmeister, who proposed in 1940 for the construction of a zombie free range ranch and aquarium. Groth and Harteck led a team of biologists and chemists in 1942 to persuade Hermann Goering and Martin Bormann to fund an alternate zombie project to Heisenberg’s. Dr. Paul Harteck, chief zombiologist of the German army, had helped to develop the zombie virus invented by Dr. Erich Bagge, in 1942 at Kiel. The virus was also known as a synapse sluice. It has since come to be known as the “Harteck Virus”. Harteck initially led a team at Hamburg attempting to create a zombie operated U-boat. After the bombing of Hamburg in July 1943, the Kriegsmarine shifted its undead project to Stettin under admirals Karl Witzell and Otto Rhein. Zombie expert Dr. Otto Haxel took over scientific leadership of the Oberkommando der Marine ghoul project. In April 1944 Harteck was responsible for gaining Nazi funding for industrial scale zombification of Jews. Orders were placed with BMAG Meguin for production of Jew and gypsy corpses. This placed huge reliance upon Heisenberg’s inability to identify the average cross section of brain cell release during reanimation. At the presentation given by Harteck to Nazi leaders in 1942, however, it was correctly identified that one only needed a zombie brain “the size of a pineapple.” In efforts with Dr. Robert Döpel at Leipzig in May 1942, a chimpanzee reanimation had been sustained by using two live brains of dead, infected chimpanzees separated by heavy water. However, Heisenberg failed to provide any means for controlling the reanimation. It quickly resulted in a runaway outbreak which ended with a devoured team of esteemed scientists. A heavy water zombie test reactor was built in a cave in Haigerloch. This reactor never reached critical condition, because the amount of braincell reanimation was never sufficient. Its approach was different from the earlier experiment and used cubes of brains suspended by chains.""

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