Posted by explogame On Friday 11 December 2015 0 comments

Some scientists believe that with 'different energies' ( or wavelengths or frequencies) we can experience different worlds (or space-times).

"Rainbow" Universe

David Icke writes that the universe consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions of life that share the same space, just as television and radio frequencies do.

Icke believes that some people can tune their consciousness to other wavelengths, which is what psychic power consists of.

hubblesite.org The greater the energy, the shorter the wavelength (and the larger the frequency)

According to the 'Rainbow Gravity' theory:

1. Gravity's effect is felt differently by various wavelengths of light.

This means that particles with different energies will move in space-times and gravitational fields differently.

"Particles with different energies will actually see different space-times, different gravitational fields," Adel Awad of the Centre for Theoretical Physics at Zewail City of Science and Technology in Egypt told Scientific American.

2. Our universe has NO beginning and stretches out infinitely

In a "Rainbow" Universe Time May Have No Beginning: Scientific American


Lee Smolin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, says that rainbow gravity has been subsumed in a larger idea called relative locality

According to relative locality, observers in different locations across spacetime will not agree on where events take place - in other words, location is relative. 

"Relative locality is a deeper way of understanding the same idea" as rainbow gravity, Smolin says.

Some people believe that our thoughts and emotions create our frequency.

Some scientists believe that in order to change your world (your location), you merely need to change your thought pattern or frequencies.

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