Posted by explogame On Saturday 12 December 2015 0 comments

Indian actress Neetu Chandra.

"Forty-year-old Lisa, who discovered her husband with another man five years into her marriage, was told by her counsellor that 99% of men are homosexual and they only marry to have children."

The Times of India

Indian actresses Isha Koppikar and Amrita Arora

"One of Bollywood's leading film-makers ...though he is 'happily' married and has a son from his stunning wife, lets it be known that his heart beats for another man...

"His wife is unaware of his preferences..."

The Times of India


In India, gay sex is discussed in texts such as the Kamasutra, and depicted in art and sculpture such as the Rajasthani paintings and the Khajuraho sculptures.

"'Same sex love in India', authored by Saleem Kidwai and Ruth Vanita delves into instances in ancient, medieval, modern, and post-modern Indian texts..."

The Times of India

Vishnu  is a male

In the Hindu texts we learn that Vishnu, a male, had sex with Shiva, a male.

Shiva is a male

"Skandha  ...was born after the god Agni (male) swallowed Shiva's semen." 

In the Mahabharata, Krishna (male) had sex with Arjuni (male)

The Times of India

India was bisexual until 1861.

In 1861, the British introduced a law to ban 'gay'activity.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

On 11 December 2013, the spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, named by Forbes Magazine as the fifth most powerful leader in India,[3] said that homosexuality had never been considered a crime in Hindu culture.

Sri Sri wrote on Twitter:

"Everyone has male and female elements. 

According to their dominance, tendencies show up and may change."

In other words, best not to 'divide and rule' and make the whole issue political.

India's openly gay Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil

What most Indians do not want is commercial gay sex and gay parades of the sort seen in San Francisco.

What many don't mind is the sort of harmless same-sex friendships which have always existed, which don't involve the spread of AIDS, and which don't involve places of entertainment run by the various mafias.

India's top court has reinstated a ban on gay sex

On 11 December 2013, it was reported that India's Supreme Court has reinstated a colonial-era ban on gay sex.

Homosexuals can now be jailed for up to 10 years.

Rahul Gandhi, who hopes to be the next Prime Minister of India. 

The ban on gay sex may be used by the CIA to manipulate the coming elections in India.

Rahul Gandhi is Gay, according to the CIA's WikiLeaks

And what of the opposition?

Narendra Modi who hopes to be the next Prime Minister of India.

Narendra Modi, leader of the opposition BJP, is a bachelor.

There are rumours that he is gay.

Narendra Modi

It was when Britain made India its colony that the 'divide and rule' ban on 'gay sex' was introduced

Back in 2009, a Delhi High Court ruled that section 377 of the Indian penal code prohibiting "carnal acts against the order of nature" infringed the fundamental rights of Indians.

The 2009 High Court decision was strongly opposed by leaders of India's mad Muslims and fascist Christians, who appealed to the Supreme Court.

Gandhi and Lord Mountbatten, both of whom liked boys.
Most Indians are apparently bisexual.

Gandhi and Nehru were pretty gay.

Gandhi with some Balilla boys in Italy. Website for this image

Paul Rudnick was Gandhi's boyfriend.

Paul Rudnick asked Gandhi if he had come out to his parents.

Gandhi replied: "Oh, no, they're all old-school Hindu and they wouldn't understand." 
(Paul Rudnick: “I Was Gandhi's Boyfriend” : The New Yorker)

Joseph Lelyveld wrote a book on Gandhi, Great Soul, which relates that Gandhi had a Jewish gay 'lover'.

Gandhi (left) and the Zionist Kallenbach (right)

Letters between Mahatma Gandhi and the Zionist Hermann Kallenbach are said to shed light on their 'loving relationship'

The letters were bought by the Indian government in July 2012.

Kallenbach, a German-born Jewish architect, met Gandhi in South Africa in 1904.

Gandhi and Kallenbach became constant companions.

Gandhi and Kallenbach lived together for two years in a house in South Africa.

They promised to give one another "more love, and yet more love... such love as they hope the world has not yet seen".

Balilla - Italian fascist youth group.

According to Lelyveld's book, Gandhi reportedly told Kallenbach: "How completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance."

Gandhi split with his wife so he could be with Kallenbach, according to Lelyveld.

Gandhi wrote that vaseline was a 'constant reminder' of Kallenbach.

The Indian Express, 5 February 1997, had an item on Prof Stanley Wolpert's biography of Nehru entitled 'Nehru: A Tryst With Destiny'.

Nehru's biographer revealed that Nehru apparently had 'gay tendencies'.

Prof Wolpert said his conclusions were based on "interviews with a lot of people and my own discussions with Nehru".

Wolpert implies that Nehru had homosexual encounters during his early years in Allahabad, and later at Harrow and Cambridge.

Nehru (left)

Wolpert describes occasions when Nehru dressed in drag:

"Wearing his wig, made up with lipstick, powder and eye shadow, his body draped in silks and satins, Jawahar most willingly offered himself up night after night to those endless rehearsals for the Gaekwar's At Home as a beautiful young girl, holding out her jug of wine and loaf seductively to her poet lover, Omar."

Wolpert says Nehru's first 'attachment' was with his young French teacher, Ferdinand Brooks.

Brooks was a disciple and lover of Charles Webster Leadbeater, 'who was accused of pederasty on several continents'.

Leadbeater 'advocated mutual masturbation among young boys'.

Wolpert points out that Nehru was a fan of Oscar Wilde.

Nehru was a friend of Lord Mountbatten.

On July 7 2013 it was reported that Madhya Pradesh finance minister Raghavji of the BJP had sodomy allegations levelled against him by a youth.

Raghavji's servant accused him of sexual abuse.

A video allegedly shows him in the act.

Madhya Pradesh sodomy case: BJP

Vikram Seth is bisexual.

In Hinduism, there are:

"Deities that are hermaphrodite (half man, half woman). Deities that manifest in all three genders. Male deities who become female, or female deities who become male.

"Male deities with female moods, or female deities with male moods. Deities born from two males, or from two females. Deities who avoid the opposite sex, and Deities with principal companions of the same gender."

Hindu Deities

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