Posted by explogame On Wednesday 1 April 2015 0 comments

George Osborne, with Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei. George Osborne

There is a paedophile scandal at UK government minister George Osborne's old school, Colet Court/St Paul's.

The scandal involves Alan Doggett, the former choir master at Colet Court, the junior section of St Paul's school, in Barnes in London.

Conducted by Alan Doggett, 1969.

Doggett was a member of the pedophile Information Exchange (PIE).

Doggett was a close friend of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Doggett resigned from Colet Court in 1968 but went on to teach boys at another London private school before working as a choirmaster with boys from more than 30 London schools.

Doggett was one of six teachers at St Paul’s/Colet Court suspected of sexually abusing boys as young as ten between the 1960s and 1980s.

Dominic Grieve QC, the Attorney General, was a Colet Court pupil.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Doggett become the director of the London Boy Singers, founded at the instigation of Benjamin Britten.

Alan Doggett, first conductor of Joseph .

Alan Doggett died in mysterious circumstances in 1978.

Reportedly, Sir Jimmy Savile abused children at Duncroft School (above), run by Barnardos. Martin Narey, after being the boss of the prison service, was the chief executive of Barnardo's. 

Care homes once owned by Action for ChildrenBarnardo's and Henshaws Society for Blind People are among those being investigated in connection with the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal.

The National Children's Society changed its name from NCH to Action for Children in 2008.

Neville Husband "I was told by Husband that you could easily be found hanged at Medomsley, and that that year, six boys had already hanged themselves."

In the UK, a pedophile ring has been uncovered by police investigating the Medomsley detention centre.

The ring reportedly operated in the 1970s and 1980s.

Detective Superintendent Paul Goundry has said: "We always knew this would be a major inquiry but the scale of it, and the sheer number of victims who have come forward, has been a shocking...

"There is growing evidence to suggest there was an organised paedophile ring operating in Medomsley."

Neville Husband and Leslie Johnson who worked at the centre were imprisoned for abusing boys and have since died.

Husband was imprisoned for eight years in 2003 for sexually abusing young male inmates between 1977 and 1984.

Reportedly, Husband was part of a paedophile ring.

Martin Narey. Director General of the Prison Service of England and Wales between 1998 and 2003. Chief Executive Officer of the charity Barnardo's from 2005 to 2011.

Kevin Young was taken into care at age two.

(The Guardian - The abuse of boys.)

In 1977, as a teenager, Kevin was sent to Medomsley detention centre in County Durham in the UK.

Neville Husband, who worked at Medomsley, repeatedly raped Kevin.

Kevin says: "I was raped repeatedly, tied up and ligatured (around the neck). It was the worst of the worst."

"I was told by Husband that you could easily be found hanged at Medomsley, and that that year, six boys had already hanged themselves."

"He was so sure of himself that he was able to take me out of the prison against my will and to his private house just outside the prison gates...

"Three or four others raped me as well...

"A rope was put round my neck and turned till I passed out."

Belgian soldiers

The prison service and the police all knew about Husband's interest in boys.

James Millar Reid was governor at Medomsley at the time when Kevin Young was abused.

In 2000, he was visited by detectives who were investigating Husband.

A few days after the visit, he went missing and his body was found in a wood in Stelling Minnis, near Canterbury.

Martin Narey (above) was the assistant governor at two places where Husband worked.

He went on to become boss of the notorious Barnardo's, the charity for vulnerable children.

More here: The abuse of teenage boys in a detention centre. (Ian Evans brought our attention to "THIS ONE")

Reportedly, many children are murdered in children's homes.

Often, top people are involved, reportedly.

Dylan, who was found hanged at a UK children's home

In October 2009, in the UK, 11-year-old Dylan McDonald was found dead at a children's home.

He was discovered suspended from a large Victorian window.

In December 2009, Cumbria police concluded their investigation into Dylan’s death and confirmed there were no suspicious circumstances. 

(Liverpool - News - Liverpool Local News - Council ...)

Dylan McDonald was found hanged at the Appletree Centre, in Cumbria in the UK.

Dylan's family were due to apply to regain custody of their son in November 2009.

Uncle Shaun McDonald told how Dylan had been excitedly looking forward to trips back home to see his dad Peter and mum Sharon at Hallowe'en and Christmas.

Gartree (Website for this image)

In the part of the UK known as the Midlands, 127 prison inmates have died since 2006.

Gartree, a prison in the UK, has had a lot of prisoner 'suicides'.

Brad Lane with Reggie Kray at Gartree prison. (Yorkshire Post)

Reggie Kray was a UK gangster and he was sexually attracted to boys.

In 1969, he was jailed for murder.

Reggie Kray's prison file, seen by the Daily Mail, shows he spent hours talking to young offenders and writing to schoolchildren 

(The Goodfather: How Reggie Kray spent his later years)

In 1997, it was reported that: 'He can frequently be observed engrossed in deep conversation with young inmates...'

A 1977 report on his progress said: 'Ronald Kray remains an active and predatory homosexual, and cares little who knows it.'

Another report describes how Kray was found in bed with another inmate.

Reportedly, prison officers usually turned a blind eye to Kray's affairs.

Reggie Kray's twin brother was Ronnie Kray, who was also a gangster and lover of boys.

Gangster Ronnie Kray and top politician Lord Boothby in 1963. Lord Boothby was close to all the top people from Churchill to Tom Driberg. Reportedly, Ronnie once said to a boy: "You will go home with Lord Boothby. You will do exactly what Lord Boothby wants. Or I will hurt you" (De Personen Encyclopedie)

The Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were mafia-style British gangsters.

They had intimate connections to top people in the political world.

They were gay.

They were friends with a young boy called Brad Lane who has since died.

Brad Lane with Reggie Kray at Gartree prison. (Yorkshire Post)

According to this source - Archives - the Krays had links to a paedophile ring.

"What was involved was the systematic abuse of ten-to-twelve-year-old boys, one of whom subsequentlybecame fairly well known as a singer.

"Another, rather less fortunate,wound up in six pieces in two suitcases...

"The paedophile ring in question had links to the Kray twins."

More information is found here -Archives

"The police uncovered a large-scale juvenile pimping operation centred on a house in a Suffolk village (Tattington) owned by Ronnie Kray.

(the twins had huge property interests in EastAnglia).

"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek.

"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks."

Brad Lane with Buster Edwards (Mail on Sunday...)

In April 2009, The Mail on Sunday and the Yorkshire post told us about Brad Lane:

Revealed: How Reggie Kray 'adopted' pen pal, 10, who was abandoned by his father / Obsessed Kray fan's collection on sale for £50000 - Yorkshire Post

1. Reggie Kray became friends with a boy called Brad Lane.

Reggie came to call Brad his 'adopted son'.

2. Almost every day, Brad wrote letters to Reggie while Reggie was a prisoner at Gartree Prison in Leicestershire.

3. This happened after Brad's father had left home.

4. Brad became Reggie Kray's most frequent visitor.

5. When Reggie was transferred to Lewes prison, in East Sussex, Brad travelled the 600 miles from his home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, to see him.

6. In 1991, Brad - then aged 12 - changed his name to Kray.

The 57-year-old Kray signed a legal document declaring Brad to be his adopted son.

7. Brad also visited Ronnie Kray, a paranoid schizophrenic, in Broadmoor mental hospital.

8. Brad died some years ago, while still very young.

9. The Krays were jailed for life for murder in 1969.

Ronnie died in 1995 and Reggie died in 2001.

The Kray Twins, Reggie and Ronnie

In 1997, the Independent reported (paedophiles in prison who recruit ...):

Juveniles as young as 15, who are being held in adult jails, may be being recruited into child-sex rings.

"Two boys who were being held on remand at Doncaster prison were allowed into contact with a convicted paedophile called Belcher.

"Since being moved to Wetherby prison, in West Yorkshire, the boys have been receiving letters from Belcher and have been sent money last month by another man described as 'a colleague of the paedophile'."

The Chief Inspector of Prisons, General Sir David Ramsbotham, "has told friends he was recently horrified to discover that a juvenile offender, who had been the victim of a paedophile, was being held in the same unit of Cardiff prison as the man who abused him.

Stephen Shaw, director of the Prison Reform Trust, said: "There is a danger that we will begin to see in prisons a mirror image of the corruption and abuse that has been found in care homes."

In March 2008, the BBC Programme 'Panorama' told us more about Jersey: the UK Island of Secrets

According to the BBC programme:

A key abuser - reported by the police to be dead - is alive and living in France.

Jersey's Haute de la Garenne children's home (where children were reported to have been tortured and murdered) was closed in 1986.

The children were transferred to other children's homes.

One such home was Blanche Pierre run by Jane and Alan Maguire.

Panorama spoke to seven former residents of the home.

They all describe abuse, including torture.

Panorama tracked Alan Maguire down to a village in France.

One might wonder if people like Alan Maguire are being protected by some very powerful people?

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