Posted by explogame On Wednesday 1 April 2015 0 comments

Jens Stoltenberg.

On 28 March 2014, Norway's former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was named as the new NATO chief

What makes us think that Stoltenberg could be a CIA asset?

1. He is the son of a former defence and foreign minister.

2. Early on, just like Tony Blair, he presented himself as a leftist.

3. He joined Norway's Labour Party and pushed for it to join NATO.

4. He backed NATO's military campaigns in Afghanistan and Libya.

5. He was a strong supporter of the Lockheed Martin Corp Joint Strike Fighter programme, despite delays and high costs.

6. He appeared to be part of the 'Anders Breivik' false flag operation and cover-up.

When a country suffers from an act of terrorism, its leader becomes more popular?

Jens Stoltenberg had a 94% approval rating from Norwegians after the Norway Attacks of July 2011.

"Outside Norway some thought Mr Stoltenberg deserved the Nobel Peace Prize."

From hero to knave

Anders Breivik.

There were a number of oddities in the Breivik Affair.

1. Government buildings in central Oslo were bombed.

A tip-off identified the car licence-plates of 'the bomber'.

'The bomber' was able to drive past two police vehicles on his way to Utoya island without being stopped.

2. The police got into an overloaded boat that broke down.

The police headed for the wrong island.

It took 35 minutes for the police to cross the 500-metre (1,640 feet) channel separating Utoya from the mainland.

Terrorism carried out by government agents.

3. The Oslo bombing could have been prevented if previously approved security measures been put in place.

Terrorism carried out by government agents.

It seems to us that elements of the police may have been involved in helping to carry out the attacks in Norway.

The Norway Attacks look like an inside-job, involving, among others, fascist elements within the Norwegian police, military and security services.

On 1 August 2011, James Petras writes about Norway (Organized Political Terrorism.):

According to James Petras:

1. The car bomb was a highly complex weapon.

It required expertise and coordination - the kind available to security services, such as Mossad, which specialize in car bombs.

Amateurs, like Breivik, usually blow themselves up or lack the skill required to connect the electronic timing devices or remote detonators.

2. A lone zealot could not do all of the following:

(a) Transport the bomb

(b) Obtain (steal) a vehicle

(c) Place the bomb at the strategic site

(d) Successfully detonate it

(e) Dress up in a special police uniform

With an arsenal of hundreds of rounds of ammunition and drive off in another vehicle to Utoeya Island

(f) Wait patiently, while armed to the teeth, for a ferry boat

(g) Cross with other passengers in his police uniform

(h) Round up the Labour youth activists and begin the massacre of scores of youths

(i) Finish off the wounded and hunt for those trying to hide or swim away.

3. According to witness testimony on Utoeya Island, shots from two distinct weapons were heard from different directions during the massacre.

4. Note 'the complicity' of top police officials.

The police took 90 minutes to arrive at Utoeya Island, located less than 20 kilometers from Oslo, 12 minutes by helicopter and 25 to 30 minutes by car and boat.

The police chief, Sveinung Sponheim, made the feeblest excuse, claiming problems with transport.

A helicopter was available.

It managed to fly to Utoeya and film the slaughter.

Over half of Norwegians own or have access to a boat.

In 2008, the Norwegian Queen (above) honoured the writer Knut Hamsun, a famous Norwegian fascist.

5. The obvious question arises as to the degree to which 'neo-fascism' has penetrated the police and security forces.

It looks a though the neo-fascists 'influence' the government.

6. The police did not save a single life.

When they finally arrived, Breivik turned himself over to the police. The police did not have to hunt or capture the assassin. An almost choreographed scenario.

7. The Norwegian military has no problem sending troops to Afghanistan, half way around the world and providing Norwegian Air Force jets and pilots to bomb and terrorize Libya.

And yet they can’t find a helicopter or a row boat to transport their police to stop a domestic attack.

8. The neo-fascist right want to 'send a message' to the Labour Party:

Either it must accept a full neo-fascist pro-Israeli agenda or expect more massacres, more elected fascists, more followers of Anders Behring Breivik.

Breivik's farmhouse in Rena which had been used by a drugs gang.

Anders Breivik rented a farm in Rena, 90 miles from Oslo.

The farm is linked to drugs gangsters.

Two years ago, the farm was being used by a criminal gang as one of Norway's biggest marijuana farms.

Farmhouse rented by Anders Behring Breivik.

The 'loner and fundamentalist Christian' Anders Breivik. Does he have a double? (Anders Behring Breivik photos- Daily Mail)

The farm is also close to Norway's biggest military base and the place where Norway's special forces are trained.

The military base is linked to Afghanistan and NATO is reported to fly heroin out of Afghanistan. 

Spooky Norwegian royal family. Note the red and black.

Odin's Raven reminds us (High Crimes) that the state can function as a criminal enterprise... The governments of much of the world are almost routinely expected to be involved in crimes such as drug trafficking.

Reportedly, it was Mossad that suggested that the CIA, with the help of Monzer al Kassar, could smuggle heroin from Lebanon into the USA.

(BBC News WORLD Lockerbie: Conspiracy theories)

Reportedly, Monzer al Kassar, a Syrian, was a CIA asset.

Reportedly, profits from Lebanese heroin were used by the CIA to help finance 9 11.

Reportedly, Mohamed Atta (or his Jewish double) flew heroin for the CIA into Florida.


Nini Stoltenberg. Note the red and black. Note the Star of David.

Nini Stoltenberg is a Norwegian television personality and sister of Jens Stoltenberg, current prime minister of Norway.

(Nini Stoltenberg - Wikipedia)

She is, however, better known as a drug addict.

Nini Stoltenberg has had a long-time relationship with Karl John Sivertzen from Odda, a former drug addict who was convicted of an armed bank robbery in the 1970s.

Nini was an intravenous drug user.

By the end of the 1990s, she was close to dying.

In the interview, Nini Stoltenberg tells of a boyfriend who subjected her to punishments, psychological terror and much fear.

Most Norwegians are good people. Photo by andrius_ru

Norway has many Satanists.

They like the colours red and black.

Musicians and fans of the Norwegian black metal scene took part in over 50 arsons of Christian churches in Norway from 1992 to 1996.[14]

Mette-Marit in Red and Black.

"Prince Haakon married commoner Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby.

"Mette-Marit is (allegedly) a druggy who consorted with several narcotraffickers and criminals, slept with a few, made a porno video with one, had a child with another man..."

(Information via anonymous)

(Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway - Wikipedia)

Morten Borg (right), who was married to Mette-Marit, with his son.

Security man Trond Berntsen was shot dead during the Norway attacks.

Trond Bernsten is the step-brother of Mette-Marit.

Trond Berntsen’s father Rolf became Mette-Marit’s stepfather when he married her divorced mother Marit Tjessem.

Mette-Marit went on to meet Prince Haakon at a rock festival a few years later.

Red and Black

Anonymous writes:

Clearly a NATO false flag and probably planned as soon as the Norwegian government began to vacillate about its role in Libya.

Would explain why Breivik's online profiles were done so recently.

Interesting that they chose a fundamentalist Christian cover story for this job rather than the usual Muslim patsy.

I suspect the global elite are now promulgating the "Christians and nationalists are a threat meme" to further advance repression in the West.

The global elite are clearly lacking in imagination and are using the same tired "NATO strategy of tension" playbook.

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway is descended from the Bavarian Illuminati: Duke Ernst II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1745-1804).(Illuminati Descendants Assemble.)

A. Since 2000,[4] former leaders of the police force of Oslo, theNorwegian Police Security Service, and the Kripos have been employed by the USA for secret work.

http://en.wikipedia.org / http://ubisurv.wordpress.com

B. One group that could have been armed was the U.S. Embassy in Oslo’s Surveillance Detection Unit (SDU), set up following 9/11 to spy on Norwegians.

theforeigner. / defence.pk / veteranstoday.com / alexandravaliente.wordpress.

US Ambassador Barry White and host of the day, MP Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Center Party) visit Rena. (Ambassador White visits Rena.)

Rena is the site of Anders Breivik's farm where police believe he planned the 2011 Norway attacks.

The valley of Østerdalen, where Rena lies, is used by the military for special forces training; the Norwegian army's Rena military camp is located nearby.

(Rena, Norway - Wikipedia)

According to Reuters, Breivik's farm is near a military base housing the 2,000-strong Telemark battalion.

(Breivik in court: Authorities may have something to hide - Global Research )

Ambassador White visited the Norwegian Army at Camp Rena in May 2011. Photo: Lars Gjemble. (Ambassador White visits Rena.)

The US ambassador to Norway visited Rena in May 2011.

"On May 20, 2011, Ambassador White traveled to Hedmark County on a visit hosted by Center Party Member of Parliament and Hedmark representative Trygve Slagsvold Vedum."

White visited some farms.

The afternoon was spent in Camp Rena visiting the Telemark Batallion and Norwegian Special Forces.

Spot the bad guys. Stoltenberg skapade Anders Behring Breivik – Nu utnyttjar politikerna - [ Translate this page ]

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