Posted by explogame On Tuesday 31 March 2015 0 comments

Rear Admiral Richard Butler, the commander of the Guantanamo concentration camp. New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany / FBI Opens Files Proving Hitler Went To Argentina With Help From The Director Of The OSS Himself-Allen Dulles

Guantanamo proves that the USA is run by Nazis.

These Nazis of course have Zionist and Mafia connections.

A Briton who was 'cleared for release' in 2007 is still imprisoned at Guantanamo.

He has never been charged with any crime.


Countries fully controlled by the CIA

Obama appears to have lied when he said that he was going to close Guantanamo.

In Guantanamo, 'beatings are common place'.

Two former Guanatanamo guards were recently charged with raping female subordinates.


CIA torture - used to mind control victims and turn them into tools of the CIA.

9 11 was of course the work of the CIA and its friends.


No American is safe while the Nazis run the USA.

Philip Wood and Sarah Bajc.

James R reports

ReportedlyPhilip Wood, a passenger on MH370, posted a message and photo on a forum, after he disappeared.

Allegedly, the phone message below was left on March 19th by ‘anonymous’ who later says that his name is ‘Philip Wood’ and he titles his message ‘help’ and goes on to say:

"I have been held hostage by unknown military personnel after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded). 

"I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my @ss during the hijack. 

"I have been separated from the other passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. 

"I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly."

Reportedly, the photo is completely black; information encoded in the photo viewed by right clicking the file and selecting Properties and then Details, provides access to a number of details about when and where the photo was taken. 

These indicate that the photo was taken at a place with almost identical co-ordinates as Diego Garcia. 

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