Posted by explogame On Tuesday 31 March 2015 0 comments

In a court in Holland, a former police chief, Klaas Langedoen, has said that 'Turkey blackmailed Joris Demmink' the former boss of the Dutch Justice Ministry.

'Turkije chanteerde justitietop met Demmink ... - De Telegraaf - Translate this page

Demmink has been accused of sexually abusing boys in Turkey.

Langedoen, the former chief of the Dutch Criminal Investigation Department (CID), carried out an investigation in Turkey.

The blackmail deal was reportedly arranged between former Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Çiller and the then Dutch Minister of Justice Winnie Sorgdrager.


Reportedly Turkey blackmailed Demmink so as to get a Kurd called Hüseyin Baybasin put in jail.

However, reportedlyDemmink was keen to prevent Baybasin talking about top peole and criminal activities and was happy to have Baybasin put in jail.

Baybasin is linked to top Turkish government officials involved in heroin smuggling.

He became active in the movement to gain greater autonomy for the Kurds and became an enemy of the Turkish government.

He took refuge in Holland but was later jailed by the Dutch.

Strop om nek Joris Demmink trekt zich strakker, de Baybasin affaire - Translate this page

JORIS DEMMINK allegedly had a role in a child abuse scandal. He was Director General at the Dutch Ministry of Justice.

How might the CIA and Mossad control the Netherlands? Are some top Dutch people involved in child abuse and the drugs trade?

1. In 1996, Marc Dutroux was arrested in Belgium.

Documents in the case pointed at the involvement of Dutch politicians in the Dutroux child abuse scandal.

(Joris Demmink - Wikipedia)

The child abuse gangs are well documented. But the child abuse gangs work for the security services. So they are well protected.

In 1998 Dutch prosecutors in Amsterdam were working on the 'Rolodex case' in which high-ranking people were suspected of being members of a child abuse gang. 

(911:Joris Demmink scandal - Wikicompany)

Among the suspects were a former cabinet minister, the personal counsel of queen Beatrix and two leading criminal prosecutors.

The police was preparing to make arrests, when the whole operation was shut down.

It was later reported, in the so called 'Runderkamp-papers', that a top official in the Ministry of Justice in the Hague, Joris Demmink, played a role in the Rolodex affair.

He was suspected of being a member of the child abuse gang.

He was suspected of leaking information to the suspects.


In 1998 Dutch TV broadcasted two items about criminals smuggling young children into the Netherlands from Eastern Europe for sexual purposes.

The TV documentary included telephone-taps from the Rolodex-case. 

 (911:Joris Demmink scandal - Wiki.)

Reportedly, in these taps one can hear a very high ranking official from the Ministry of Justice named 'Joris' 'ordering' some children for the weekend.

In 2002 Joris Demmink was appointed Director General at the Dutch Ministry of Justice.

In 2003 two Dutch magazines published long and detailed stories about Joris Demmink abusing under-aged prostitutes in a public park in the south of the country (city of Eindhoven).

In 2007 a lawyer for Turkish-Kurdish 'businessman' Hüseyin Baybaşin accused Demmink of sexually abusing children. 

(911:Joris Demmink scandal - Wikicompany)

Baybasin has links to drugs and politicians 

BALLIN is reportedly a Bilderberger.

2. Ernst Hirsch Ballin was born to a Jewish father. (Ernst Hirsch Ballin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Reportedly he is a member of Bilderberg. (Bilderberg 2009 Attendance List)

He has been the Dutch Minister of Justice.

In 1994, in the so-called IRT (regional detective squad) affair, Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin, and interior minister Ed van Thijn, were forced to resign.

It became known that the inter regional detective squad (IRT), with permission from both departments, had been bringing in billions of guilders worth of cocaine and other drugs into Holland. 

(Chronology of the Netherlands )

In 1996 a parliamentary inquiry commission published its report on the IRT affair.

The commission found that large quantities of drugs had been smuggled into the country and marketed with the help and connivance of the government.

The commission chairman, Maarten van Traa, was killed in a traffic accident shortly after the report was published. 

Guusje ter Horst

3. In August 2006 Guusje Ter Horst was fined for drunk driving.

(Guusje ter Horst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

In 2007 she was appointed as Holland's Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations drew our attention to "Obama's Drunken, Drug Running and Paedophile Helpers", by Hans Vogel in Pravda.Ru

Among the points made:

1. The 'crotch bomber' was escorted by a 'well-dressed' man who apparently had access to the boss of the Israeli firm that handles security at Amsterdam.

2. The US government has the support of its Dutch vassal state.

3. The Dutch Minister of Justice was Ernst Hirsch Ballin.

In 1994, Ballin 'was forced to resign as justice minister for his involvement in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation'.

Ballin called for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports.

Affaire Joris Demmink: het feitenoverzicht « Klokkenluideronline - [Translate this page ].

In 1980, a coup took place in Suriname, a former Dutch colony.

This coup was led by led Desi Bouterse, who is said to be a drugs gangster.

Joris Demmink and Suriname.

Bouterse, who has been linked to the drugs trade.

Allegedly, the Netherlands was involved in the coup.

A report on the coup disappeared "while in the hands of Jorris Demmink."

dossiers on Suriname

According to a former official, Demmink had a sexual relationship with a young member of the Suriname military who was linked to Bouterse.

dossiers on Suriname

In 1994, in Holland, it became clear that Dutch police and government officials had been involved in bringing drugs into Holland and selling them to the public (The IRT affair).

(Chronology of the Netherlands )


"Baybasin ... said that Turkey had put pressure on the Netherlands to arrest him by threatening to disclose information on Demmink's abuse of minors in Turkey."

Michael Howard (left) 

Michael Howard was the UK home secretary at the time when the Baybasins were allowed into the UK.

The gang's members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.

Michael Howard, the drugs baron and an extraordinary £400,000 bribery claim (Daily Mail 1 November 2008) / Top Politicians; Heroin; An Alleged Bribe

Michel Nihoul was central to the Dutroux child kidnapping and murder affair. Dutroux is believed to have been working for the security services.

"The magazines Panorama and GayKrant decided on a collective independent investigation of Demmink.

"They published articles revealing that Demmink abused children .... in a sex bar in Prague.

"A man named Frank Leenders came forward as a witness and victim.

"He said Demmink had been present during the filming of a porn movie in the Czech Republic where a child died as a result of penetration with a dildo."

Dutch pedophile exposer to stand trial, high-ranking pedophile still free ... /DEMMINK; CHILD ABUSE; NARCOTICS; FORTUYN .../BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, CROWLEY, SAVILE, DEMMINK

Anonymous comments:

Demmink's chauffeur of course committed suicide recently just before he was due to be interviewed by police.

The child abuse rings 'work for governments'.

The Netherlands, and its neighbours, appear to be rather sick?

In 2000, Nick Davies wrote in The Guardian

(When sex abuse can lead to murder World news The Guardian):

"Terry... had come across some of the paedophiles the detectives were investigating - in Amsterdam, where he said they had become involved with a group of exiled British child abusers who had succeeded in commercialising their sexual obsession.

"The exiled paedophiles were trafficking boys from other countries; running legitimate gay brothels and selling under-aged boys 'under the counter'; they had branched out into the production of child pornography.

"And they had killed some of them.

"One boy had simply been shot through the head, Terry said: he had been causing trouble and had been executed in front of several paedophiles.

"Another, he believed, had been thrown into one of the canals.

"But the one about whom he spoke the most was a boy who had been tortured and killed in the most painful fashion in the course of producing a pornographic video."

When sex abuse can lead to murder World news The Guardian


Joris Demmink and his party have been photographed and recorded while raping children in Marmaris, Turkey

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