What is causing our huge welfare bills, huge debts and huge poverty?
It's all about inequality says economist Will Hutton

"Inequality has surpassed the levels of Edwardian England."
Inequality was declining until the 1970s.
It was in the 1980s that nasty people like Reagan and Thatcher began the process of increasing inequality.

How severe is the inequality?
Eighty-five people control the same amount of wealth as half the world's population.

Many of the super rich are simply people who control monopolies.
The real issue - it's all about inequality - Will Hutton - The Observer, Sunday 19 January 2014

Will Hutton writes that INEQUALITY is the cause of the following:
Ill health,
The growth of the welfare bill,
The escalating borrowing,
The banking crisis,
The collapse in productivity, and the stagnation in innovation and investment.

Will Hutton writes that so many of the high incomes are "plainly undeserved and unrelated to merit".
After World War II, the rich elite had their plan to increase inequality.
This plan involved brainwashing people into thinking that:
1. The useless bosses were wonderful
2. And that the hard-working workers were useless.
Yes, most of you were brainwashed.

Big corporations are evil.
According to Hutton the plan was to:
1. Reduce the power of the Trade Unions.
2. Reduce the taxes on the rich.
3. Allow vast monopolies.

Poverty in Greece
According to Hutton:
In Britain, now 28th out of 34 countries in the equality league table, the inequality has led to:
A. A mountain of debt
B. A weakening in the growth rate compared to the 1960s
C. Falling productivity
D. And the financial crisis.
Much more here: The real issue - it's all about inequality

What is the solution?
1. Increase the power of the Trade Unions.
2. Increase the taxes on the rich.
3. Break up the monopolies.

A well nourished Sudanese man steals maize from a starving child during a food distribution at a feeding center in Sudan in 1998. Photo by Tom Stoddart.
But that is because you have been brainwashed.
Why did Britain lose so many of its industries, at a time when South Korea was building up its industries?
The government of South Korea, unlike the government of the UK, protected its industries and poured huge sums of money into these industries.
The government of South Korea, unlike the government of the UK, protected its industries and poured huge sums of money into these industries.
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South Korea,
trade unions,
Will Hutton
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