In 2013, it was reported that 'Soldier N', an officer in the UK's notorious SAS regiment, had boasted to his family that the SAS murdered Princess Diana.
The former wife of 'Soldier N' claims that she was paid cash to buy her silence about the accusation.
She says she was given a brown envelope filled with bank notes by an SAS officer who told her to 'keep quiet about Diana’.
The SAS officer "warned her that she would end up dead like Lee Rigby" if she did not keep quiet.
"The officer said that if I spoke out ... I might have cause to worry about my safety and my children’s safety."
She has now gone into hiding.
SAS wife's bombshell: Regiment bribed me to keep silent about Diana murder claims.

In hiding.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2541923/SAS-wifes-bombshell-Regiment-bribed-silent-Diana-murder-claims.html#ixzz2qpHBbWM5
The Court Martial of SAS Sniper Danny Nightingale led to a letter written by witness 'Soldier N', and sent to his in-laws, coming to public attention.
In the letter, 'Soldier N' boasting that the SAS were behind the death of Princess Diana.[71]
The parents of 'Soldier N's estranged wife wrote to the SAS's commanding officer, claiming 'Soldier N' had told his wife the SAS "arranged" Diana's death and it was "covered up".[72][73]
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