5 Raging Alcoholic and Chain Smoking Toddlers

Posted by explogame On Tuesday 28 June 2016 0 comments

Alcohol consumption by small children is a very serious and dangerous situation. A child's body absorbs alcohol rapidly, depressing the central nervous system which causes symptoms like confusion, vomiting, and seizures. The child may have difficulty breathing and flushed or very pale skin. Alcohol impairs the gag reflex, which can result in choking and gagging. Alcohol also causes low blood sugar in children, which can result in a coma or death. In the U.S., children drinking alcohol of any kind and at any quantity is taboo. One reason for this is due to our Puritan ancestor's aversion to spirits, and the other reason is because of the obvious health risks involved. Our European neighbors are more relaxed on these laws. Nearly 300 children aged 11 or under were admitted to A&E units across the UK last year after drinking too much, a BBC Radio 5 live investigation showed in 2013. 

Here is a list of 5 Raging Alcoholic and Chain Smoking Toddlers:

5 Toddler is China's Youngest Alcoholic

Cheng Cheng, a two year old from China is seen in the pictures above chugging from a Chinese alcoholic beverage. When Cheng Cheng is denied "the bottle," he reacts violently, screaming and crying until his father or aunt gives he what he wants. The boy's appreciation for wine began when he was 3 months old and his father gave him chopsticks soaked in wine. His father stated it was because Cheng Cheng refused to stop reaching for his father's glass of wine. "At the time all of us in the family have already thought that this child can really drink a lot when he grows up!" Cheng Cheng's aunt stated excitedly.

4 UK Toddler Treated for Alcoholism 

In March of 2011, a three year old toddler in the UK was brought to the hospital and treated for alcoholism. The child was force fed alcohol for at least the 6 month prior to the hospital visit, and suffered from extreme withdraw symptoms like shaking, vomiting, and severe diarrhea. The unidentified child was among a staggering thirteen children, all under the age of 12. Each was diagnosed with alcoholism by the Heart of England NHS Trust, between 2008 and 2010. Nicolay Sorensen, of Alcohol Concern, said, "To be diagnosed alcoholic, it's possibe this child would have shown a physical dependency. They would have had to ingest enough to cause withdraw symptoms. It is a horrifying case."

3 Chain-Smoking Toddler

Aldi Rizal became an international media sensation when he was discovered in a poor village in Sumatra, Indonesia, puffing on a cigarette while riding his tricycle. An outcry of  public disapproval led to the Indonesian government launching a campaign to tackle the problem of children smoking. They developed a unique recovery program to treat Aldi for his nicotine addiction. Aldi was taken for rehabilitative consultations with a therapist in the capital, Jakarta, for several weeks to take his mind off his 2 packs-a-day habit. The two-year old toddler had to and learn to function with out nicotine substance abuse, for the first time in his short life. A new documentary series revisits the family two years later, and reveals he has managed to kick his habit. It seems he has substituted food for cigarettes, and has become dangerously overweight. 

2 Youngest  Chain Smoker

Two-year-old Tong Liangliang, smokes up to a pack a day, earning the Chinese toddler a world record as the youngest chain smoker! The Toddler's father encouraged him to take up smoking when he was one-and-a-half years old, thinking it would alleviate the pain caused bay a hernia. The father did not take his son's addiction seriously until Liang became a pack-a-day smoker. Now, Liang resists all attempts to stop him from smoking. But doctors say that smoking can aggravate hernias. Frequent coughing, often induced by smoking, forces pressure against the abdominal and chest muscles.

1 Russian Dad Teaches Toddler How to Smoke

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