5 Teachers Who Murdered Their Students

Posted by explogame On Monday 27 June 2016 0 comments

5 Teachers Who Killed Their Students

It is almost certainly more common for students to attack and kill their teachers or even their classmates but sometimes the teacher becomes the murderer, killing a student they had promised to provide an education, and to protect. Teaching can be a stressful career and its certainly not for the faint of heart, so occasionally a teacher snaps and tragedy occurs. Here are 5 Teachers who murdered their students.

5 Teacher Kidnaps and Murders Student - Salem, India

Salem is a city and a municipal corporation in the Indian state of Tamil Nabu, and it was host to a terrible crime in 2008. Daraniselvan, was the physical training director of Rakkipatty, a nearby private school, and developed a possessive obsession with a woman who worked as a teacher at the school. Objecting to his behavior in relation to his strange conduct, involving the woman, there disciplinary action taken against him and enraged, Doraniselvan, decided to further malign the school by kidnapping a 8 year old little girl, named Monisha, in November of 2008. Daraniselvan then proceeded to murder little Monisha, and debase her memory by hiding her tiny body behind a bush. In 2012, Daraniselvan was sentenced to life imprisonment, 12 to 32 years of rigorous imprisonment or hard labor, and a total of  20,000 Rupee or 333 dollars. Maybe it should have been the equivalent of 666 US dollars.

4 Teacher Kills Student by Restraining Him - Texas

"Recent news reports document appalling stories of teachers tying children to chairs taping their mouths shut, using handcuffs, denying them food, fracturing bones, locking them in small spaces, and sitting on them until they turn blue," US House Committee representative, George Miller, stated and described the findings as "alarming" and "eye opening." Fourteen year old Cedric Napoleon died in just this manner in 2002 from being restrained by his public school teacher at Manor Middle School in Killeen, Texas. (Kill-een) Cedric had a short and sad life, often the victim of severe abuse and neglect. Children like this are easy to victimize and often become targets, Cedric became one of these statistics. Cedric and his siblings were taken by Child Protective Services when he was nine years old, he described his days as consisting of having to feed himself and his siblings from dumpsters out side of grocery stores and after he was taken by CPS he was placed in a residential treatment center where he soon suffered a blow to the head from a shovel. Less than a year before he died, he told his therapist that his idea of a safe place was a cave with solid rock walls, a steel door, and lots of food. One psychiatrist noted that Cedric suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and like many children inflicted with abuse he was known to hoard food when available. The day Cedric died, he was denied his lunch by staff as a form of punishment, and at around 2:30 that afternoon, he became so famished that he left the classroom. The teacher called Cedric back in and demanded he have a seat and when he refused, the 6 foot and 230 pound female teacher, put 5 foot,129 pound Cedric in a "Therapeutic Floor Hold," while another aide held his feet. Cedric begged for his life saying, "I cant breathe" and "I give, I give!" for fifteen minutes until he suffocated to death under the teacher's weight. After he died the teacher and the aide propped him back up in his desk and wiped the drool from his chin. The principal, who had watched the whole event from the classroom door, told police that they had thought Cedric was playing possum.

3 Car Bomb Teacher Accidentally Kills 21 Students - Baghdad

A militant instructor in Baghdad was teaching his new recruits how to make car bombs in February of 2014 when the explosives in his demonstration went off, killing twenty-one of his young students of terror. The blasts alerted authorities to the existence of a training camp in an orchard north of Baghdad. Nearly two dozen active terrorists were arrested including wounded insurgents trying to limp away from the scene. The lethal blunder by the al-Qaida offshoot group that dominates insurgency in Iraq, compromised the resolve of the insurgents to reassemble and reclaim the power they experienced at the height of the war in Iraq. The discovery of the militant group in the country, just 60 miles north of the capital shows that "The terrorist groups have made a strong comeback in Iraq and that the security problems are far from over, and things are heading from bad to worse," stated Hamid al-Mutlaq, a member of parliament's security and defense committee. The car bombs used by this group are some of the most fatal weapons utilized in Iraq, often leaving larger and larger quantities of dead behind from coordinated waves of blasts and explosions.

2 School Teacher Kills Daughter's Classmate - California

In April of 2009, Melissa Huckaby was taken into custody and charged with the kidnapping, rape, and murder of her daughter's 8-year-old classmate, Sandra Cantu of California, after admitting to the police that she owned the suitcase in which young Sandra's body was found. She was arrested after five hours of questioning performed by Sgt. Tony Sheneman who said "I couldn't begin to even theorize what her motive is, the outcome alone is beyond explanation." Sandra's mother was horrified and devastated, asking "How could another mother do this to another child?" A big break in the case came when Huckaby stated to a newspaper that she had owned a large, black, rolling suitcase, and that it had been was stolen the very day Sandra went missing. A ten day search ensued and soon after, farmers discovered the suitcase in an irrigation pond, at a dairy farm about two miles from Sandra and Huckaby's mobile home park. Inside the suitcase, they found Sandra's decomposing body still wearing the clothes she went missing in. Huckaby then revealed enough information to be arrested on probable cause and enjoying the attention, she sought out the newspapers again stating that "There's been a lot of speculation on the news about what happened to my suitcase. It's not my grandad's. It's mine and someone took it." said Huckaby. Huckaby's story was that she had packed the suitcase with supplies to spruce up her church classroom, but she had forgotten about the suitcase, and left it outside and on her driveway, at the mobile home park, where she lived. Initially, during questioning Sgt. Sheneman said Huckaby was calm, cool, and collected but suddenly became very emotional and then returned to calm just as suddenly, seeming to be resigned to the situation. Psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere told the courts that Melissa Huckaby doesn't fit the profile for a sexual abuser, but her role as caregiver may have made it easier to commit the crime.

1 Girl Restrained by Teacher, Tragedy Occurs - Wisconsin

Angelica Arndt, was diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder, and attention deficit disorder, after losing her whole family as a toddler and being placed in the foster care system. After going from foster home to foster home she found Daniel and Donna Pavlik, with whom she seemed to be happy. Due to her past trauma she exhibited some behavioral problems and a social worker recommended a day treatment program to the Pavliks to prepare her for first grade. The Pavliks became concerned when Angie's demeanor changed and was no longer happy and energetic and suspected she was not doing well at the center. In 2006, during lunch at Rice Lake Treatment Clinic in Wisconsin, she began blowing bubbles in her milk and laughing. The teachers demanded her to stop and when she refused after repeated requests, she was taken to a "cool down" room and was restrained by two teachers, one holding her ankles as another pressed down on her shoulders. One teacher, Bradley Ridout, a 250 pound man began pressing down on her shoulder with all his weight, which eventually caused Angie's death. She struggled and yelled for help, her cries becoming weaker and weaker. After ninety-eight minutes of restraint in this fashion, Angie began to vomit and lose control over her bodily functions. When the teachers finally removed themselves from her body she was dead, her face blue from suffocation. Records show she was restrained in this manner eight different times before it resulted in her death by asphyxiation, and for small infractions to boot, such as laughing, playing, chewing gum, falling asleep, leaving her chair, and taking off her shoes. After her death the treatment center and the media marked her as an "aggressive child" adding insult to injury and injustice. Angie's death was ruled a homicide but Ridout entered into a plea bargain, plead no contest, and escaped justice with only a charge of misdemeanor negligent abuse. No one in management at the treatment center was charged and although that particular clinic closed after the incident, eleven of it's other facilities are still operational today. 

child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,
child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students, child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students, child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,
child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,child-abuse, kidnapping, killer-teachers, murder, school-killings, students, Teachers, teachers-that-kill, teachers-that-killed-students, teachers-who-killed-their-students, teachers who abused their students,

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