Top Ten Fattest People Who Hold World Records

Posted by explogame On Saturday 25 June 2016 0 comments

There are people who have what is called Fat Hatred. These people will become repulsed when presented with a morbidly obese person.  The general perception is weight can be controlled with willpower but that is not always the case. Even if it was, it doesn't mean a hefty person can't change the world and make a splash or a cannonball. Here are the top ten fattest people who hold world records in obesity.                                                                                                                                                   

10 Worlds Fattest Contortionist

We'll start this list out with the worlds fattest contortionist, Matt Alaeddine, just because it's hilarious and disturbing on many levels. Matt boasts the ability to press his shoe soles into his cheeks, turn himself into a human dartboard, and dislocate his shoulders to escape from a straight jacket. Oh, and accomplishing these limber feats at 450 pounds. Matt has been twisting himself into odd positions like the 'sumo-splits' for ten long years. "Obesity! It's working for me," Matt jokes. Matt is a performer in the Jim Rose Circus where extreme sword-swallowing and genital lifts can be viewed by spectators. If you are a glutton for visual punishment that is.

9 Fattest Man To Starve To Death


Michael Edelman is the fattest man known to ever starve to death. The Guinness Book of World Records listed him at 994 pounds, but Michael's mother estimated that he weighed over 1200 pounds at his peak. At ten years old Michael left school because he could no longer fit into his desk. Afterwards, he spent the majority of his time sharing huge meals with his 700 pound mother. They would often indulge in whole pizzas as midnight snacks they revealed. Michael was evicted from his home in 1988, he had to be moved with a forklift which attracted huge amounts of attention from the media. Once, he admitted to a reporter that his biggest wish was to lose enough weight to consummate his relationship with 420 pound girlfriend Brenda Burtle. Unfortunately, he said it never happen because he was just too large. After the sudden death of a friend due to obesity complications, Michael developed a pathological fear of eating. He quickly lost hundreds of pounds and had to be force fed. At 600 pounds Michael Edelman starved himself to death.

8 World's Fattest Twins

Billy and Benny McCrary, nicknamed The McGuire Twins, were declared by The Guinness Book of World Records to be the heaviest twins. At 814 and 784 pounds respectively, the matching mountains took their show on the road to Vegas where they told jokes and played their trumpets with 400 pound go-go dancers. They then tried their hand as tag-team wrestlers and mini-bike riders doing daredevil stunts in funny outfits. They tag-teamed across the world calling themselves the McGuire twins because their Japanese fans couldn't pronounce McCrary.  "The announcers would have trouble with it. They would pronounce it Queary and we'd say "we ain't no queers,"" they joked. After Billy died in 1979 from a mini-bike accident, Benny teamed up with Andre the Giant in his act before retiring.

7 Heaviest Professional Wrestler

Happy Humphrey's greatest passion was visiting the farmers market gorging himself on tasty treats until he weighed over 600 pounds. That's when Humphrey decided to become a wrestler, just to pay the bills. He adopted the persona of a comic book character by the name of Humphrey, who was also a large man. He even had a three-wheeled Harley outfitted with an outhouse on the back just like the comic character. In 1961 Happy Humphrey was matched against 601 pound Haystack Calhoun at Madison Square Garden. Humphrey lost after being caught in a headlock by Calhoun and couldn't get back into the ring on the 20 count. In Alabama Humphrey got stuck in a phone booth, and it took 8 police officers to pry him out.  In New Orleans he also got wedged in between two theater seats and the fire department had to cut him out. In 1953, Happy Humphrey unhappily spent 28 minutes in the ring with a bear, it was unheard of. Eating 18 course meals everyday Humphrey quickly reached 900 pounds. He was moved to an Atlanta hospital where they administered human weight loss medications and Two years later he emerged a slim 230 pound man.

6 Heaviest Woman In The World

Carol Yager is the most likely candidate to hold the heaviest woman title, although she is not recognized by Guinness. Yager was estimated to weigh over 1600 pounds at her peak, possibly making her the heaviest person ever, albeit unrecognized. What Yager is better known for is losing the most weight in the shortest amount of time, an astounding 521 pounds in three months! She was still unable to walk and spent all her time bedridden. Yager's death certificate listed kidney failure, morbid obesity, and multiple organ failure as cause of death. 

5 Half Ton Killer

Mayra Rosales is the heaviest confessed murderess. She claimed she had accidentally killed her 2 year old nephew, Eliseo J.r., when she rolled over in bed and crushed him under her 1,100 pound frame. In 2008, Rosales was living with her sister Jaime and Jaime's children. After the child's autopsy revealed that the boy was died from blunt force trauma and was not smothered to death, Rosales broke down and admitted she lied in her 2008 confession. She said she took the blame so her sister's remaining kids would still have a mother, thinking the authorities wouldn't or couldn't put Rosales in jail for an accident. She admitted she had seen Jaime hit her children repeatedly with a brush on several occasions. As Rosales could barely move, it had been apparent to investigators from the beginning that she had been covering for somebody. She was deathly ill from pneumonia and it required ten men and an extra long ambulance to transport her to the hospital. Her sister Jaime, the real murderess, ultimately pleaded guilty and is now serving 15 years.

4 World's Fattest Girl

Jessica Gaude is known as the world's fattest girl. At 7 years old Jessica was considered the worlds fattest child weighing in at 400 pounds. Jessica could no longer run or walk, and she would often drag herself or roll across the floor to get around. Her daily diet consisted of countless sodas, 15 hamburgers with fries, and several kilograms of chocolate.  But Jessica just wanted more and more and her mother, Carolyn, could not resist her cries. "I gave her the bottle and she wanted more and more. It was not enough for her and she was constantly hungry," Carolyn said. Today Jessica is a young lady who weighs under 150 pounds, but she will need reconstructive surgery to eliminate excess skin and to straighten her deformed bones.

3 World's Fattest Boy

Dzambik Khatohov "Jambik", from Russia, is the heaviest and most obese child in the world as of 2012. At 9 years old Jambic was 5 foot 2 and 324 pounds, as much as a baby elephant. Jambik began his life normal enough, weighing 6.6 oz when born, but had ballooned out to an astounding 811 pounds by the time he was four. Jambik's diet consisted of porridge and ice-cream, and a lots of it! His mother thinks he's a fine strapping lad with a healthy appetite, she feels his doctors must be exaggerating. "He is just growing: Upwards and outwards. What can I do about it? This is just who he is, this is how god created him," she said. Jambik said he would like to be a sportsman when he grows up, an Olympic champion. 

2 Second Heaviest Person

The second heaviest record holder is Manuel Uribe, weighing 1320 pounds at his peak. Born in Monterrey, Mexico Manuel attributes his initial weight gain to lack of exercise. Although doctors speculate his immense weight could be caused by a fault in his genes, which may have triggered the inflammation of his molecular structure. Therefore causing him to gain weight uncontrollably. What is amazing is that Manuel is as healthy as a horse. He has no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no triglycerides, and no diabetes. Manuel is fat, healthy, and happy. The cause of his contentedness? His wife Claudia. "I'm so thankful that he sent me Claudia. I know if she loves me as I am now she will love me when I'm finally able to walk again," he said. 

1 Guinness World Record Holder for Fattest Man

Weighing in at 1400 pounds is American Jon Minnoch. He still holds the world record as the heaviest man. Minnoch weighed 290 pounds by the time he was 12, increasing his weight by almost double every two years. Then in 1978, Minnoch reached the substantial weight of 1400 pounds. Minnoch's endocrinologist surmised that he had reached such a staggering weight due to the accumulation of water stemming from congestive heart failure. Interestingly, Minnoch married a woman who only weighed 110 pounds and they eventually had two children together. 

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