Posted by explogame On Wednesday 16 December 2015 0 comments

In 2011, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan assisted with rescue operations after the Fukushima earthquake and nuclear disaster.

At least 51 members of the crew of the USS Ronald Reagan have now developed radiation-related illnesses.

It is thought that the ship's desalinization systems took in radioactive water which the crew drank, cooked with and bathed-in.

51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts

Uploaded on Mar 17, 2011. The nuclear incident at Fukushima was on 11 March 2011

Charles Bonner, attorney representing sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan said "They have testicular cancer, they have thyroid cancers, they have leukemias, they have rectal and gynecological bleeding, a host of problems that they did not have before ...

"People are going blind, pilots who had perfect eyesight but now have tumors on the brain. And it’s only been 3 years since they went in."

Many Gulf War Veterans have been afflicted with Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, or Hodgkin’s Disease.

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