Posted by explogame On Thursday 10 December 2015 0 comments

It would seem that Edward Snowden is a triple agent.

1. Edward Snowden was led to Moscow by Sarah Harrison, who attended a school linked to the head of MI6 and to a former head of MI5.

2. Snowden has failed to tell us, for example, that 9 11 was an inside job.

He has failed to tell us anything we did not already know.

3. Snowden has been given a lot of publicity by the mainstream media, including the Guardian.

The Guardian is alleged to be run by MI6.

What links Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and the former head of Britain's spy service MI5?

Jonathan Evans, the former boss of MI5, was a pupil at the expensive Sevenoaks School in the UK.

Sir Jonathan Evans

Sarah Harrison, who led Edward Snowden to Moscow, was a pupil at Sevenoaks School.

Sir John Sawers

Sir John Sawers, the current boss of MI6, is a former parent at Sevenoaks School.

Snowden and Harrison

Sarah Harrison, of the spooky Wikileaks, is said to be a former lover Julian Assange.

Sarah Harrison is currently living in spooky Berlin.

Assange and Harrison

The late Gerd Sommerhoff, who sexually abused boys, was a teacher at Sevenoaks school.

Sommerhoff worked at the spooky BBC and in spooky Cambridge, and, like Jimmy Savile, was given a knighthood.

Gerd Sommerhoff

Some of the above people may secretly be assets of Mossad, the CIA and MI5/MI6.

Sir John Sawers, MI6 boss, is a former parent at Sevenoaks.

Continued hereSPY SCHOOL?



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