Posted by explogame On Sunday 13 December 2015 0 comments

According to psychologist Laurent Bègue, author of Right and Wrong Psychology, the line between homophobia and homosexuality is thin.

I suppose that most of us used to fear gay people.

We imagined that they smelt differently.

We thought that gay people would destroy our society.

We had an image of gay people as being rather foreign and dangerous, like Blacks, Jews, Catholics,  Moslems or Germans.

And then we discovered that our best friend at school was secretly gay, and quite harmless.

And then we discovered that some of our best friends at University were secretly gay, and quite harmless.

And the student, who was the same sex as us, and who had just slept with a married person of the opposite sex from Paris, wanted to be affectionate towards us. 

We were not interested and they departed but we had learnt a bit more about bisexuality

And then one of our professors seemed to imply that all the great men of history were apparently bisexual, from Alexander the Grape to Ronald Reagan.

And then we traveled a bit, and, while traveling on exotic airlines, rich and successful married men would tell us that that they liked girls, but preferred boys.

It is difficult to spot a gay man.

But often they are conservative and like sport and the military.

In Sam Mendes' film American Beauty, a former US marine and convinced conservative makes sexual advances towards the character played by Kevin Spacey.

The marine, who is homophobic, shoots Spacey after his advances are rejected.

German Bishop Walter Mixa was violently homophobic.

Now there are widespread allegations that he is totally gay. 

American televangelist Ted Haggard is the typical gay homophobe.

Researchers from the University of Georgia carried out an experiment using a device that measured male erections.

A gay scene was shown to males who claimed to be homophobic and to males who claimed not to be homophobic..

80% of the homophobes had an increase in penis size when shown the gay scene.

34% of the non-homophobes had an increase in penis size when shown the gay scene.

How many people are gay, or bisexual?

Apparently, the typical 'gay' person is married to someone of the opposite sex.

One recent piece of research, involving over 50,000 people, found that:

 33% of those polled considered themselves to be exclusively heterosexual.

 67% considered themselves not-exclusively heterosexual.

67% is No Minority!

0Exclusively heterosexual
1Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6Exclusively homosexual
The above research used the Kinsey Scale (above)

A recent survey of 2,516 people in the USA found that:

27 percent of participants had had same-sex experiences.

19 percent of participants indicated that they did not consider themselves heterosexual.

The research, was carried out by Ohio State University and Boston University and was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Is the Gay Population a Lot Bigger Than Even Kinsey Predicted?

We should note that:

1. Many people still hide their true feelings when being surveyed.

2. Many Americans have 'gay' inclinations, but, have never had any 'gay' sexual experience with another person.

3. Most Americans are bisexual by inclination.

One of the problems with the 1948 Kinsey Report (Sexual Behavior in the Human Male - Kinsey, 1948) was that back in the 1940s, most Americans were reluctant to tell the truth about their sexuality.

Kinsey took sex histories from more than 18,000 people

These people may not all have all been entirely representative of the population and may not all have told the truth.

Gebhard and Johnson of the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research have now removed the data from any of the surveyed men who had been in prison or who had been male prostitutes.

Lesbian couple

According to the Kinsey Institute, about 60 per cent of pre-adolescent boys engaged in homosexual activities.

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male

Gebhard and Johnson reported that 36.4% of men had had at least one homosexual experience.

For working-class males in the Kinsey sample, the incidence of homosexuality was higher than 50 percent.

Kinsey Reports - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When it comes to sexual behaviour, far too many Americans go to extremes.

Reportedly, the father of the sex-researcher Alfred Kinsey was a "bullying, violently repressed bigot" who was "brutally punished for masturbating when he was an adolescent".

(New Statesman - It's everywhere: just don't talk about it)

In other words, you could argue that Alfred Kinsey's father had been affected by the Jewish thinking of the Old Testament, which condemns masturbation, homosexuality and many other things.

According Kinsey's research, most humans do not fall exclusively into heterosexual or homosexual classifications but somewhere between. (Some recent scientific research has suggested that most people are bisexual.)

Judith Reisman

Judith Reisman is the daughter of Jewish communists and a friend of right-wing Christians.

According to Judith Reisman, Alfred Kinsey may have been a bad guy who behaved badly towards boys.

(The Culture Wars. Who Know? / The Truth Seeker - The Case Against Kinsey).

None of Kinsey’s four biographers have turned up any evidence that Kinsey abused children.

Certain Jewish guys do not like Kinsey!

If people feel less guilty about masturbation or homosexuality or oral sex, then they are less easy to control?

In 1996, in Georgia in the USA, 17-year-old Wendy Whitaker broke the law by having oral sex with a boy who was almost 16.

(Sex laws: Unjust and ineffective)

Wendy ended up spending a year in jail and she got put on a sex offenders register which the public can view online.

A local television station featured Wendy in an item on local sex offenders, broadcasting a map showing where she lives.

Journalist Johann Hari tells us that "Kinsey's agenda was simple and brave: to eradicate sexual shame and melt sexual taboos.

"His own life was littered with the victims of Judaeo-Christian sexual repression."

(New Statesman - It's everywhere: just don't talk about it)

But, in America there is now too much porn and extremism.

Johann Hari refers to the 'ubiquity of porn'.

According to Johann Hari

(New Statesman - It's everywhere: just don't talk about it ):

"Leslee J Unruh is the poster girl for the Christian anti-porn mullahs.

"She is the sassy, aggressive leader of America's Abstinence Clearinghouse, an evangelical group that has been leading pickets of Kinsey (the film) across the US.

'"Kinsey should be looked upon in the history books as Hitler, as Saddam Hussein,' she explained last month, adding that internet porn is 'turning America into Sodom and Gomorrah'.

"This voice has become louder and clearer since George W Bush's 'moral values' re-election, and it has its British representatives in Melanie Phillips and the Daily Mail."

Johann Hari and Melanie Phillips are reportedly Jewish.

They do not necessarily say much about the Jewish link to porn.

In The Jewish Quarterly, winter 2004, Jewish professor Nathan Abrams documents the leading role of Jews in pornography.

"A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry...there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America.

"Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue’ Jews."


Kinsey was no saint.

But this does does not invalidate his group's research.

One person has claimed that Kinsey knew Dr. Ewen Cameron (MK ULTRA scientist), but they provide no source.

ln June 1994, the court dismissed Reisman's case with prejudice.

The 'lies' about Kinsey come from the notorious Judith Reisman.

There was a court case concerning Reisman's accusations against Kinsey.

In September 1993, Reisman's lawyer withdrew from the case, and in June 1994 the court dismissed Reisman's case with prejudice.

Reisman and butterflies.

Kinsey had interviewed a very large number of people and at least one of them happened to be a pedophile who had stimulated a young child and this testimony was recorded by Kinsey.

Kinsey did not carry out experiments on children.

Judith Reisman is "a wingnut social conservative."


Reisman's own ten year old daughter was molested by a thirteen year old.

The molestation of children is said to be common among certain Jewish families.

Reisman's daughter developed deep depression, perhaps as the result of the reaction of her mother.

Reisman seems to have decided that her daughter's early death was due to Kinsey's attempts to tell the truth about sex.

In 1984, Alfred Regnery, a conservative publisher, gave Reisman $734,371 to study the content of Playboy magazines between 1954 and 1984. 

When she handed in her findings at American University, where she was based, the university refused to publish them.

Regnery confessed the grant was a mistake.

"This is not science, it's vigilantism: paranoid, pseudoscientific hyperbole with a thinly veiled, hidden agenda. This kind of thing doesn't help children at all," Dr. Loretta Haroian, a leading expert on childhood sexuality, said of Reisman's report.

Her Kinsey Obsession | Alternet

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