Posted by explogame On Wednesday 16 December 2015 0 comments

One of the most beloved of Roman emperors, Trajan, who was also well known for his homosexuality and fondness for young males. 

Before the Roman Empire became Christian, several of the Roman Emperors were in same-sex marriages.


In the year 390, the Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared that homosexual sex was illegal and that those who engaged in gay sex were to be burned alive in public.[22]

In the year 390, the Christians began burning homosexual boys in Rome.

Sin, sex and the very alien morality of the Romans

Saint Bernardino of Siena (right) and a gay icon, the semi naked Saint Sebastian (left).

Saint Bernardino of Siena (1380 - 1444) urged the Christians of Siena to torture and kill homosexuals.

Berenardino praised the Christians of Verona because they had quartered a gay man and hung his limbs from the city gates.

Bernardino praised the Christians of Genoa for regularly burning gay men.

Bernardino praised the Christians in Venice for tying a gay man to a column along with a barrel of pitch and brushwood and setting him on fire.

Normally, the people of Siena preferred their boys "to chase boys rather than to mess with the virginity of girls."

As a result of St Bernardino's Christian teachings, gay 15 year old Giovanni di Giovanni was "paraded on the back of an ass, then publicly castrated. He then had his anus burned with a red-hot iron.[1][2]

In the Christian world, down through the centuries, gay people continued to be tortured  and executed for being gay.

For example, during the Spanish Inquisition, gay people were stoned, castrated, and burned.

In 1836, in the UK, James Pratt and John Smith were hanged for being homosexual.

Westheimer/Lopater's, Human Sexuality: A Psychosocial Perspective, Second Edition, refers to Martin Luther. ( luther+homosexual) According to the authors, Luther tried to deny his homosexual attractions to other men.

Of course the top leaders of the Christian church have always been mainly bisexual.

Martin Luther was not the only boy-loving church leader.

Pope Benedict IX 'turned the Vatican into a male brothel.'

Pope Paul II reportedly died while being sodomized by a page boy.

Pope Julius III, just before he became pope, took as his lover a 15-year old boy named Innocenzo.

John Calvin

JOHN CALVIN (1509–1564) was the classic fundamentalist.

Reportedly he was Jewish, gay and a sadist.

Jerome Bolsec published a life of Calvin, 'Vie de Calvin', in 1577.

According to Bolsec, Calvin frequently engaged in gay sex.

According to Bolsec, Calvin resigned his church post at Noyon, in France, because of the public exposure of his homosexuality.

John Calvin became the religious boss of Geneva in Switzerland.

"Under his rule Geneva, formerly so gay, became like a city of death, where all citizens went about as if in mourning." 

(Progress of Calvinism - In Switzerland.)

Yale scholar John Boswell has argued that a number of Early Christians entered into homosexual relationships,[75] and that certain Biblical figures had homosexual relationships, such as Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, Daniel and the court official Ashpenaz, and David and King Saul's son Jonathan.[76] Boswell has also argued that adelphopoiesis, a rite bonding two men, was akin to a religiously sanctioned same-sex union.

Calvin's followers burned 58 people for heresy.

Christopher Hitchens wrote  that "Calvin's Geneva was a prototypical totalitarian state, and Calvin himself a sadist and torturer and killer, who burned Servetus (one of the great thinkers and questioners of the day) while the man was still alive."

(Christopher Hitchens - God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons ...)

Allegedly, Jewish plotters introduced Calvinism into England 'to split Church and State, and divide the people'.

Archibald Ramsay wrote: 'How the Jews stole Britain' and according to an article based on Ramsay's book (Cached):

Calvinism is of Jewish origin. Calvin’s real name was Cohen.

At the B’nai B’rith celebrations held in Paris, France, in 1936, Calvin, was enthusiastically acclaimed to have been of Jewish descent.

Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali - Source:

Most of the top fundamentalists are the same.

Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali was reportedly a sadistic gay homophobe.

According to this Obituary of the Ayatollah Khalkhali, in The Telegraph:

"Some of Khalkhali's victims were no more than children.

"When a 14-year-old boy he had had executed turned out to be innocent, Khalkhali remarked that the child was not on his conscience because he had 'sent him to heaven'.

"His critics maintained that in his early life Khalkhali had spent time in a mental institution for torturing cats; it was said that strangling cats remained one of his favourite pastimes."

"Gallows were hitched up in main Tehran streets and sometimes as many as eight people were hanged at the same time. In the mayhem that ensued, the age of treason was lowered and children as young as nine were 'executed'.

"Within a couple of months over 8000 people had been killed."

Ayatollah Sadeq Khalkhali Obituaries Guardian Unlimited

Wolfgang and Wieland Wagner

1. Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson, Wieland Wagner. 

(Time magazine, August 15, 1994, p. 56).

2. When the Spanish Conquistadors conquered Central America and the Yucatan in Mexico, they found that most native Indian priests were gay. In their temples were sacred statues depicting gay sex acts.

3. Jim Bakker, the televangelist disgraced and defrocked, 'actually preferred young boys. He frequently had young homo staffers go swimming nude with him and his top aides'.

4. One report says that 'Bill Clinton and a former pal, Arkansas Governor, Winthrop Rockefeller, had a fling. Winthrop, of the monied Rockefeller family, was well known as a homosexual'.

5. Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, a Democrat, has been labeled "Cuomo the Homo." New York's former Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, 'has been known to dress up as a woman transvestite'.

New York's Mayor Rudolph Giuliani 'performed on stage as "Rudia," transvestite, at the annual Inner Circle banquet for the elite'. Giuliani has lived in an apartment with two homosexual men

6. The late Senator and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey 'often frolicked about nude in the YMCA swimming pool in Minneapolis'.

7. President Lyndon B. Johnson 'skinny-dipped with male friends, including evangelist Billy Graham and his Vice President, Hubert'. The "YMCA" is a popular meeting place for homo politicians and religious bigwigs.

8. Congressman Gary Condit, 'suspected of having something to do with the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy, is known in the Washington, D.C. gay community as a bisexual'.

9. Male stars 'comedian Danny Kaye and British actor Laurence Olivier were lovers, and comedian Jack Benny was queer as a three-dollar bill'.

10. In her autobiography, Marianne Faithful wrote that, while in bed with her, Mick Jagger said, "If Keith (a member of his band) were here right now, I'd lick him all over."

Mick Jagger 'has talked openly about how much he enjoys performing sex acts on other men'.


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