Posted by explogame On Friday 23 October 2015 0 comments
Peer Pressure

Richard Dawkins writes about the private school that he attended:

"At Oundle, the dominant motivation for doing anything was peer pressure and the ethos of his peers was anti-intellectual, with an antipathy to hard work.

"There was too much adulation of the rugby team and too little prestige attached to intelligence or scholarship."

Stephen Hawking found similar attitudes when he went to university.

Neither Dawkins nor Hawking have said that 9 11 was an inside-job.

Richard Dawkins

Imagine a group of 100 people.

5% are the sort of  gangsters who help organise events such as 9 11.

90% are the sort of people who are easily seduced, conned, or intimidated by these gangsters.

5% are the sort of people who stand up to the gangsters.

So the gangsters have the majority on their side and stay in power.

If there is a revolution, all that happens is that a different set of gangster leaders take control.

The only way to reduce the power of the gangsters may be to have a well educated public, so that fewer of the 90% will be seduced or conned.


Education may be the key.

Finland has higher scores in adult literacy than the USA and UK.

Finland would appear to be less dominated by gangsters than the USA and UK.

However, we should not forget that TV and newspapers play a large part in educating people, and in Finland the media is presumably controlled by 'the gangsters'.

Feral children

In private schools, state schools and even universities, the 90% are easily seduced, conned, or intimidated by 'the gangsters'.

It is probably fair to say that the worst type of educational institution is the large 'comprehensive' school which is a 'one size fits all' type of school.

Martinus School

The United Kingdom used to have lots of 'Grammar' schools which were designed for 'academic' children.

Most of these Grammar schools were closed down and replaced by American-style 'Comprehensive' schools.

Axing grammars 'led to the collapse of school standards'.

Margaret Thatcher closed more Grammar schools than any other politician.

Littleworth School

At the same time as the Grammar schools were closed, their 'non academic' equivalents, the 'Secondary modern Schools', were also closed.

The 'Secondary Modern Schools' often did a very good job of educating the so called 'non academic' children.

One main criticism of the Grammar/Secondary Modern system was that it did not cater for 'the late developer'.

Summer school for poor kids, Santiago, 1979, mmScan-111022-0023

A report in October 2013 found that, in England, today's school leavers have poorer literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills than their grandparents.

Researcher Dr Gijsbert Stoet says that British schools in the 1960s and 1970s were better than the schools today.

The ideal education system is one where the 'gangsters' are not allowed to dominate.

The ideal school is the one that teaches about 'brain washing'.

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