Posted by explogame On Monday 28 September 2015 0 comments

Nairobi attack VIDEO: The escape route tunnel used by terrorists

Apparently, some of the Kenyan security forces were on the side of the attackers in the Mall.

"A team from the Recce General Service Unit of the Kenya Police, early in the rescue operation, made its way into the mall and secured most of it, pinning down the terrorists at one end around Nakumatt Supermarket and Barclays Bank.

"However, the team pulled out after its commander was fatally shot in ‘friendly fire’ following the arrival of a KDF (army) unit.

"Also pulling out at the same time was a small group of policemen from various units and armed civilians, who were the first to enter the mall from the rooftop parking and the front entrance and led hundreds of shoppers to safety."

Strategy of Terror.

"One officer involved said that some units had a priority to locate and rescue a specific group of VIPs..."

NEWS Blame game over Westgate attack

"It also emerged on Wednesday that the police had been given advance intelligence on the planned terrorist attack, but failed to act."

NEWS Blame game over Westgate attack

"Many businesses in the mall are operated by Israeli’s like the ArtCaffe owned by Alex Traitenberg."

Israeli connection in Westgate Mall terror attack

Those reportedly killed:

From ISRAEL and the USA



1. Peter Ldhituachi Simani, chairman of the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal. 2. Anuj Shah of Sona Shoppe, a photography studio. 3. Harun Oyieke, a lecturer at Co-operative University College of Kenya.

4. Ruhila Adatia-Sood, a local TV and radio personality, who was married to Ketan Sood, who worked for USAid in Nairobi.

5 and 6. President Uhuru Kenyatta's nephew Mbugua Mwangi and his fiancee Rosemary Wahito.

7. Mitul Shah: A sales and marketing director. 8. Nehal Vekaria. 9. Martin Munene Kithinji: A police officer attached to GSU Recce company. 10. Wilkista Vizengwa Angoro 11. Crispal Gaitung'u Ng'ang'a: of Genesis Office Solutions 12 - 14. Kennedy Mogaka Mochere, Veronicah Wairimu Kamau, and John Mutando Musango : employees of Nakumatt.

Mitul Shah

CANADA 15. Annemarie Desloges: A 29-year-old Canadian diplomat. 16. Vancouver hotelier Naguib Damji, 59

GHANA 17.Kofi Awoonor: a renowned poet.

INDIA 18. Sridhar Natarajan: working for a pharmaceutical firm. 19. Paramshu Jain: The eight-year-old son of a branch manager for the Bank of Baroda.

PERU 20. Juan Jesus Ortiz: A doctor.

SOUTH KOREA 21. Kang Moon-hee

Simon Belcher, from Scotland, survived.

AUSTRALIA AND HOLLAND 22 and 23. A 33-year-old Dutch woman and her Australian husband. 24 and 25. Australian Ross Langdon, of Regional Associates Ltd, and his wife from Holland, Elif Yavuz, a malaria specialist.

CHINA 26. A 38-year-old Chinese woman.

FRANCE 27. A mother and daughter.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 28. Ravindra Ramrattan

SOUTH AFRICA 29. One national

30 and 31. Other victims identified by Daily Telegragh are Zahara Bawa and her eight-year-old daughter Jenah.

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