Posted by explogame On Monday, 10 August 2015 0 comments

Mysterious Stephen Fry.

Stephen Fry, the famous Jewish TV personality and author, wants a boycott of the Winter Olympics in Russia because of Russia's alleged homophobia.

Fry knows a lot about the security services and has written a novel on the subject - The Stars' Tennis Balls.

Was Fry recruited by the spooks while he was in prison for fraud?

Russia has always been pretty gay. Diaghilev, 1872-1929, (right) and lover Serge Lifar (1905 – 1986)

Fry is wrong about Russia.

"The age of consent in Russia is 16 years of age, regardless of sexual orientation."

In Russia:

"Transsexuals and transgender persons are allowed to change their legal gender.

"Homosexuality is not regarded as a mental illness and it is not a criminal offence under Russian law.

"Single persons can adopt children whatever their sexual orientation, while homosexuals can serve in the armed forces without any type of restriction."

Pioneers by Deineka.

"Secondly, let us examine the law in question that was passed recently by 436 votes in favour and zero against with one abstention by Russia's DUMA, or Parliament: it is a law which bans the propagation of non-traditional sexual activities among minors. 

"In other words, it is a law which prohibits the distribution or dissemination of homosexual acts, among children...

"Suppose the campaigners stopped the hysteria, dropped the hype and took a stand against NATO's illegal wars, its support for terrorists in Libya and Syria, its intrusion into the internal affairs of sovereign states, its wanton acts of mass murder, strafing civilians with military hardware, targeting civilian structures with the same?

"Suppose they started criticizing the arming of rogue elements on NATO's own lists of proscribed terrorist groups, the transportation of al-Qaeda murderers to Syriaits detention of persons without due legal process in its torture and concentration camps, its practice of urinating in food, setting dogs on people, forcing Moslems to eat pork, ridiculing their sexual organs, and sodomising them.

"If NATO or the citizens in its member states want Russians to start behaving in the same way, it is not going to happen. What was that about casting the first stone?"

Sport, the gay question and cultural imperialism - English

The following via gallier2 
"Gay theoreticians should examine critically what is it exactly that the Russians oppose in the LGBT discourse. 
"Is it possible that the Putin regards LGBT as a form of crude Western intervention? 
"Maybe Stephen Fry should answer this question before he is lobbying again for an international boycott...

"I wonder whether Fry also weeps at Bernard Henri Levy’s call for moral interventionist wars ‘as a Jew’; When Wolfowitz ‘liberated’ the Iraqi people (as a Ziocon). 
"How does Mr Fry feel when he learns about the repeated crimes committed by the Jewish State in his name? 
"How does he feel when his own people are raping the Palestinian soil, hearts and minds?"


Anonymous writes of Fry as a possible spy:

"What with being gay, Jewish atheist, of superior intelligence, and with a jail record on account of credit card theft he'd have been just the chap they were looking for.

"They'd have recruited him in Cambridge no doubt.

"On QI he's a booster of all things spooky, having extolled the Bletchley Park Museum and The Spy Shop on numerous occasions..."

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