Posted by explogame On Monday 10 August 2015 0 comments

Former Romanian spy chief General Ion Mihai Pacepa, and University of Mississippi law professor Ronald Rychlak, have written 'Disinformation'. 

Supposedly, "the book reveals secret strategies for attacking religion, undermining freedom and promoting terrorism."


The book is CIA disinformation.

Pacepa blames the KGB for plotting the assassination of President Kennedy and for organising the rise of Islamic extremism.

General Ion Mihai Pacepa (right) months before he defected to the U.S. in 1978.

In 2007, General Pacepa described how he helped the KGB 'infiltrate the secret Vatican archives to steal documents in order to frame Pope Pius XII.'

In the article “Moscow’s Assault on the Vatican”, Pacepa claimed he got Vatican diplomat Msgr. Agostino Casaroli to let three Romanian agents, posing as priests, examine the papal archives.

Pacepa’s story was doubted by historians and Vatican experts.

Pacepa said he had arranged a spy swap in 1959, exchanging jailed Romanian Archbishop Augustin Pacha for two spies caught in West Germany. 

But Archbishop Ioan Robu of Bucharest said Pacha was already dead when Pacepa claimed to have freed him.


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