Posted by explogame On Saturday 7 March 2015 0 comments

The Scottish National Party (SNP) wants Scotland to be independent, but are the SNP being led by the wrong people?

According to commentator John Wight: 

"The SNP, and the broader YES campaign they are leading, are starting to pay a heavy price for their timidity in putting forward a vision for Scottish independence, which can be summed up as 'independence without independence.'"

Campaign for Scottish independence vulnerable

In the Financial Times, John Kay wrote: 

"It is possible to imagine a future for an independent Scotland characterised by reactionary municipal socialism - and the crony capitalism that brought Ireland and Iceland close to economic collapse."

Scottish independence matters less than you think -

The Scottish National Party (SNP) should be aiming to copy Switzerland, with its decentralised system of government.

Instead, the SNP seems to be concentrating power in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and following policies that that can only be described as lacking in vision.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) looks like it is facing defeat in the coming referendum on independence for Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond. Scottish Political Archive

The woman leading the SNP's 'Yes' campaign is the deputy SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

She says her favourite 'fantasy dinner guests' would be Nelson Mandela (an agent of MI6) and Hilary Clinton (a close friend of the CIA).

Christine Grahame

According to a story in the Scottish Sunday Express, 18 December 2005, the Special Branch (security services) may be using informants against the SNP.

SNP Member of the Scottish parliament Christine Grahame has accused police of using informants working within the party to build up secret files.

She told party delegates it was 'an orchestrated attempt to undermine the party.'

She said: 'Some of these files expose how UK Ministers have deliberately lied to the people of Scotland over the massive benefits Scotland would derive through independence.'

(How black gold was hijacked: North sea oil and the betrayal of Scotland / Scotland's true oil wealth was hidden to stop independence. / 'Blair was an MI5 agent'. / Labour Party leader John Smith was linked to the security services / Lockerbie Bomb and Ecuador and New Zealand)

Alex Salmond

Alex Salmond supported Fred Goodwin in the Royal Bank of Scotland's bid to take over ABN-Amro.

That takeover led to the bank’s collapse.

Brian Monteith: Embarrassing lack of competence on show from SNP - Scotsman

Alex Salmond reportedly lobbied in favour of Rupert Murdoch’s bid for control of BSkyB.

Alex Salmond's SNP appears to be part of the cover up on Lockerbie.

Alex Salmond's SNP is now supporting NATO.

Nicola Sturgeon had to apologise to parliament for writing a letter asking that a convicted fraudster’s sentence be moderated.

"So to have to apologise in public yet again is to contribute to a growing sense that the SNP administration is reaching the point when competence disappears and credibility evaporates."

Continued here: Brian Monteith: Embarrassing lack of competence on show from SNP - Scotsman

Adil Bhatti, with SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon

Adil Bhatti "has been credited with building SNP support in the Asian community - particularly in Sturgeon’s Glasgow Govan constituency, where he was a former branch secretary."

Adil Bhatti quit the SNP.

In his resignation letter, Bhatti wrote: "The events of the last few days and weeks have led me to lose my faith in the SNP, my trust of the leadership and questioned my support for independence.

"The decision on NATO was not a decision made on principle but a cynical and manipulative attempt to win votes."

Alex Salmond's SNP voted for the 'No Fly Zone' which led to NATO's destruction of Libya.

If Scotland votes 'No' in the referendum on independence it will be because the SNP is not actually supporting 'independence'.

The Scottish National party is now supporting Nazi NATO.

SNP votes to abandon opposition to Nato

SNP leadership narrowly wins controversial Nato vote at conference

NATO U-turn vote backed by SNP stalwart Winnie Ewing

NATO is a tool of the Pentagon and the CIA.

Website for this image

The name Salmond comes from the name Saloman, according to some sources.

The surname derives from the Hebrew word "shalom", meaning peace.

The British in India. 

Nazi NATO is expanding.

Wayne Madsen has pointed out that even little Cyprus and Malta have been under strong pressure to join NATO.

And Israel, the countries in North Africa, and some of the countries in the Arabian peninsula may become linked to NATO.

Jean Urquhart and John Finnie have left the SNP over its Nato policy change
John Finnie and Jean Urquhart have left the SNP over its Nato policy change

According to Wayne Madsen, NATO has offered "Associate membership" status to Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, India, Brazil, and South Africa.

"NATO is accomplishing what Adolf Hitler could only dream of: a Euro-Atlantic military alliance that dominates the entire world." 

(Wayne Madsen - NATO’S “Drang Nach Osten”)


The anti-NATO SNP Members of the Scottish Parliament  are:

Dave Thompson, Sandra White, John Wilson, Gordon MacDonald, Jamie Hepburn, John Mason, John Finnie, Bill Kidd, Marco Biaggi and Bob Doris.

Photo from the book “NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia.

So, who are the SNP Members of the Scottish Parliament who apparently support Nazi NATO?

Adam, George
Member for Paisley
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Adam, Brian
Member for Aberdeen Donside
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Adamson, Clare
Member for Central Scotland
Email me

NATO forces.

Allan, Alasdair
Member for Na h-Eileanan an Iar
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Beattie, Colin
Member for Midlothian North and Musselburgh
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Brodie, Chic
Member for South Scotland
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Brown, Keith
Member for Clackmannanshire and Dunblane
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NATO forces.

Burgess, Margaret
Member for Cunninghame South
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Campbell, Roderick
Member for North East Fife
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Campbell, Aileen
Member for Clydesdale
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Coffey, Willie
Member for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley
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NATO's Mujahideen terrorists committed atrocities in the war against Serbia. The Biggest Lies of Our Time: Serbia versus NATO...

Constance, Angela
Member for Almond Valley
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Crawford, Bruce
Member for Stirling
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Cunningham, Roseanna
Member for Perthshire South and Kinross-shire
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Dey, Graeme
Member for Angus South
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Don, Nigel
Member for Angus North and Mearns
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Dornan, James
Member for Glasgow Cathcart
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Eadie, Jim
Member for EdinburghSouthern
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Ewing, Annabelle
Member for Mid Scotland and Fife
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Ewing, Fergus
Member for Inverness and Nairn
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Fabiani, Linda
Member for East Kilbride
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FitzPatrick, Joe
Member for Dundee City West
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Gibson, Kenneth
Member for Cunninghame North
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Gibson, Rob
Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Ross
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Grahame, Christine
Member for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale
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Hyslop, Fiona
Member for Linlithgow
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Ingram, Adam
Member for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley
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Keir, Colin
Member for Edinburgh Western
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Lochhead, Richard
Member for Moray
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Lyle, Richard
Member for Central Scotland
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MacAskill, Kenny
Member for Edinburgh Eastern
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MacDonald, Angus
Member for Falkirk East
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Mackay, Derek
Member for Renfrewshire North and West
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MacKenzie, Mike
Member for Highlands and Islands
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Matheson, Michael
Member for Falkirk West
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Maxwell, Stewart
Member for West Scotland
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McAlpine, Joan
Member for South Scotland
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McDonald, Mark
Member for North East Scotland
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McKelvie, Christina
Member for Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse
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McLeod, Fiona
Member for Strathkelvin and Bearsden
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McLeod, Aileen
Member for South Scotland
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McMillan, Stuart
Member for West Scotland
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Neil, Alex
Member for Airdrie and Shotts
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Paterson, Gil
Member for Clydebank and Milngavie
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Robertson, Dennis
Member for Aberdeenshire West
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Robison, Shona
Member for Dundee City East
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Russell, Michael
Member for Argyll and Bute
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Salmond, Alex
Member for Aberdeenshire East
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Stevenson, Stewart
Member for Banffshire and Buchan Coast
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Stewart, Kevin
Member for Aberdeen Central
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Sturgeon, Nicola
Member for Glasgow Southside
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Swinney, John
Member for Perthshire North
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Torrance, David
Member for Kirkcaldy
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Urquhart, Jean
Member for Highlands and Islands
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Watt, Maureen
Member for Aberdeen South and North Kincardine
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Wheelhouse, Paul
Member for South Scotland
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Yousaf, Humza
Member for Glasgow


And you think we live in a free, democratic society!

The man in the photo, taken at McGill University in 1951, is 17-year-old Leonard Cohen.




wonder404: Mike Russell and NATO and Freemasons




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