In Thailand, in 1980, one third of the rural population lived in absolute poverty.
This could mean one meal a day and no money to buy shoes or typhoid medicine.
In 1980, a child working 11 hours a day, in a workshop in Bangkok, would earn £36 per year!
Great for the Americans getting their cheap shoes and clothes made by child labour.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej
The King of Thailand is worth at least US$30 billion [1]
In 1946 King Ananda was found shot in his bedroom in the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
This ensured that the teenage Bhumibol became king.
And it ensured that pro-American Field Marshal Pibul became the power behind the throne.

Bhumibol had once said of his brother's murder, "It was not an accident...it was political."
King Bhumibol has a difficult job, surrounded as he is by certain 'corrupt fascist' generals who allegedly have links to the CIA.
Thailand has hosted one of the CIA's secret prison sites.
The CIA has met its al Qaeda friends in Pattaya in Thailand.
Reported CIA and MI6 links to al Qaeda in Chicago, Pattaya...

King Bhumibol
The child brothels in Thailand are said to be protected by certain Thai generals.
The military is said to have links to drugs and karaoke bars.

Pattaya - child abuse, murder, mafias and spooks.
In 1973, the army shot pro-democracy students.
In 1992, when there was an uprising in Bangkok, the generals killed hundreds of people.

In 2001, Thaksin Shinawatra (above) became prime minister of Thailand.
Thaksin's policies reduced rural poverty[2].
Thaksin provided affordable health coverage to the people.
Because of this, his main support base has been the rural poor.[1]
Yingluck Shinawatra (right) who became Prime Minister in 2011.
Thaksin made "new strategic overtures towards Beijing" and undermined "the US's near monopoly on military-to-military training in Thailand.
"Thaksin also increased Thailand's arms purchases from China during his tenure."
Thaksin was toppled by the military in 2006.
(Asia Times 7 August 2008 US, Thailand: A conflicted alliance)
The coup "was orchestrated by several Thai security and military officials with close and long-time ties to Washington.
"They include CIA-trained Squadron Leader Prasong Soonsiri and the US-trained General Winai Phattiyakul, former director of the Directorate of Joint Intelligence at the Supreme Command's headquarters where US intelligence officials are allegedly in residence.

Boyce with General Surayud who took control of Thailand after Thaksin was toppled.
"US security officials and former US ambassador to Thailand Ralph 'Skip' Boyce are also known to have generational ties to Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda, who Thaksin's supporters have accused of masterminding the 2006 putsch..."

Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck are most popular in the RED areas shown above.
Yingluck Shinawatra became Prime Minister in 2011.
Currently there are attempts to topple Yingluck.
The big question is - does the CIA support the Red Shirts or the Yellow Shirts?
Or, does the CIA simply want to cause Libyan-style chaos?

Tony Cartalucci altthainews.blogspot.ca Destabilization and Breakup of Thailand?
Most Thais apparently do not support either the militant Yellows or the militant Reds.
The Economist recently suggested that we may see the Destabilization and Breakup of Thailand?
Yingluck Shinawatra's government could flee to the north and set up a separate state.
Tony Cartalucci (altthainews.blogspot.ca) refers to the modern imperial agenda of divide and rule.
Chatham House corporate member Robert Amsterdam is currently representing Thaksin Shinawatra.
According to The Economist:
"Many red shirts say Bangkok is already lost."

Suthep Thaugsuban (above) is the leader of the Yellows, the opposition to the Shinawatras.
Courts have ruled that he is responsible for deaths and injuries sustained by red-shirt protesters during the political unrest 2010. He thus faces murder charges.
He was also found responsible by a Court for the assassination of Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was covering the 2010 protests. [13]
According to The Economist:
The police have charged him with insurrection and seizing state property, but no attempt has been made to arrest him.
Political crisis in Thailand: You go your way, I’ll go mine

Yingluck Shinawatra and son
The blogger Tony Cartalucci is an opponent of the Shinawatras (the Reds)
He writes that Yingluck Shinawatra's government "has bankrupted a disastrous vote-buying rice subsidy and has subsequently failed to pay rice farmers..."
He suggests that the Shinawatras are increasingly unpopular.

Tony Cartalucci writes:
"The Thai 'civil war' Western analysts have long been predicting ... would most likely only materialize using the 'Syrian-model' of covert invasion combined with a coordinated propaganda campaign already being carried out by the Western media.
"Instead of Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and northern Iraq feeding militants into Syria, this new war would consist of Cambodia feeding militants and material in through northeast Thailand, with the resulting conflict appearing to be between 'Thaksin’s political stronghold' there and the rest of the country...

"Secession and 'civil war' in Thailand are impossible.
"Thailand is not divided. If anything, now more than ever it is united in purpose against an increasingly destructive, perpetually self-serving regime that has long since overstayed its welcome..."
The CIA may be supporting all the different factions.

Yingluck Shinawatra and son
The blogger Tony Cartalucci is an opponent of the Shinawatras (the Reds)
He writes that Yingluck Shinawatra's government "has bankrupted a disastrous vote-buying rice subsidy and has subsequently failed to pay rice farmers..."
He suggests that the Shinawatras are increasingly unpopular.

Northern Thailand
Tony Cartalucci writes:
"The Thai 'civil war' Western analysts have long been predicting ... would most likely only materialize using the 'Syrian-model' of covert invasion combined with a coordinated propaganda campaign already being carried out by the Western media.
"Instead of Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and northern Iraq feeding militants into Syria, this new war would consist of Cambodia feeding militants and material in through northeast Thailand, with the resulting conflict appearing to be between 'Thaksin’s political stronghold' there and the rest of the country...
"Thailand is not divided. If anything, now more than ever it is united in purpose against an increasingly destructive, perpetually self-serving regime that has long since overstayed its welcome..."
The CIA may be supporting all the different factions.
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