Donald MacLaren
During World War II, Donald MacLaren, a Scottish clan chief, was given the task of fighting the Nazis in America.
He was up against people such as Bush, Rockefeller, the Dulles brothers and various bankers.

Maison Rouge
According to a US intelligence document, in 1944, a group of top Nazi industrialists met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg.
They met to plan 'The Fourth Reich', which would be set up after World War II.
They met to plan 'The Fourth Reich', which would be set up after World War II.
In 'The Fourth Reich', Nazi bankers and industrialists would run Europe.

Thomas McKittrick
During World War II, McKittrick was President of the The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), set up in Switzerland in 1930, organises transactions between central banks.
Book Review: Tower of Basel - WSJ.com

Hermann Schmitz
The people who ran the BIS were kind to the Nazis.
They allowed Hitler to take over Czechoslovakia's gold and they were good friends of Nazi companies such as IG Farben.
Hermann Schmitz, the Nazi boss of IG Farben, was a director of the BIS.
After World War II, the BIS helped the top Nazi bankers and industrialists to take key jobs in the running of Europe.
Tower Of Basel: The Shadowy History Of The Secret Bank That Rules The World
Adam Lebor, author of Tower of Basel, believes that the Nazi-loving BIS is currently part of the plan for a fascist united Europe.

Before, during and after World War II, many of the top Americans were Nazis.
The US subsidiaries of German companies supplied Hitler with vital materials.
German companies placed Nazi agents throughout the American business world.
Sullivan and Cromwell, a New York law firm, arranged the deals between American business and the German companies that helped bring Hitler to power.
The partners in Sullivan and Cromwell included John Foster Dulles, who later became US Secretary of State, and his brother, Allen Dulles, America's wartime intelligence chief, who became the first boss of the CIA.
Sullivan and Cromwell, a New York law firm, arranged the deals between American business and the German companies that helped bring Hitler to power.
The partners in Sullivan and Cromwell included John Foster Dulles, who later became US Secretary of State, and his brother, Allen Dulles, America's wartime intelligence chief, who became the first boss of the CIA.

A 1942 pamphlet put out by Donald MacLaren
Brown Brothers Harriman was close friends with Fritz Thyssen, the German steel magnate who financed Hitler.
Thyssen ran his American business through the Union Banking
Corporation, whose directors included Prescott Bush.
Henry Ford was a fan of the Nazis.
Thyssen ran his American business through the Union Banking
Henry Ford was a fan of the Nazis.
The US State Department instructed the Nazi-loving J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, not to help the British.

Donald MacLaren
Strangely enough, the British intelligence HQ was at the Rockefeller Centre.
Interestingly, Churchill did not trust some of his own spies because they had Nazi sympathies.
MacLaren's target was IG Farben, the biggest chemical company in the world.
MacLaren's target was IG Farben, the biggest chemical company in the world.
In the USA, IG Farben used the name General Aniline and Film, or GAF, which was friends with Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
IG Farben designed and ran Auschwitz III, which employed tens of thousands of slave labourers.

US marines and a German Nazi SS flag.
MacLaren, posing as a businessman, began a relationship with GAF.
The GAF directors were split into two factions.
The GAF directors were split into two factions.
MacLaren leaked information to set one faction against another.
The spying Scotsman who hunted the Nazis of New York ... - Daily Mail

In 1942, MacLaren produced a pamphlet which revealed IG Farben's role in promoting the war and making money from the war.
The spying Scotsman who hunted the Nazis of New York ... - Daily Mail

In 1942, MacLaren produced a pamphlet which revealed IG Farben's role in promoting the war and making money from the war.
The pamphlet pointed out that IG Farben's American business partners, such as Standard Oil, were working for the Nazis.
By this time, the USA was at war with Germany.
The US government immediately closed down IG Farben's business in America.

BASF (formerly IG Farben) is now the world's largest chemicals company.
Bayer (formerly IG Farben) is now one of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies.
Nazis, allied to certain Zionists, are still in charge in Europe and in America.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

In November 1942, the top Nazis decided it was unlikely that Germany would win the war.
In May 1943, the Nazi leaders adopted a plan to 'go underground'.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or
By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.
Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or
By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.
Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or

Bormann (right)
On 1st May 1st 1945, Martin Bormann left Germany.
Reportedly, "Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959."
Martin Bormann
A Quiet Visitor to Israel: Martin Bormann's Son - New York Times
"After World war II, Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information.
"The real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the 'Brown Eminence', successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a 'Reich in Exile' in the years following the war...
"Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States.

"Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.
"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pressure...
"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization of the stratagem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."
Tony Gosling – THE NAZIS WERE NEVER DEFEATED - http://canspeccy.wordpress.com/?s=Tony+Gosling.

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"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pressure...
"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization of the stratagem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."
Tony Gosling – THE NAZIS WERE NEVER DEFEATED - http://canspeccy.wordpress.com/?s=Tony+Gosling.

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