Posted by explogame On Tuesday 8 December 2015 0 comments

What links Edward Snowdon, Julian Assange and the former head of Britain's spy service MI5?

Jonathan Evans, the former boss of MI5, was a pupil at the expensive Sevenoaks School in the UK.

Sir Jonathan Evans

Sarah Harrison, who led Edward Snowden to Moscow, was a pupil at Sevenoaks School.

Snowden and Harrison

Sarah Harrison, of the spooky Wikileaks, is said to be a former lover Julian Assange.

Sarah Harrison is currently living in spooky Berlin.

Assange and Harrison

The late Gerd Sommerhoff, who sexually abused boys, was a teacher at Sevenoaks school.

Sommerhoff worked at the spooky BBC and in spooky Cambridge, and, like Jimmy Savile, was given a knighthood.

Gerd Sommerhoff

Some of the above people may secretly be assets of Mossad, the CIA and MI5/MI6.

Sir John Sawers

Sir John Sawers, the current boss of MI6, is a former parent at Sevenoaks.

Sir John Sawers, MI6 boss, is a former parent at Sevenoaks.

The UK's security services are reported to have run child brothels as a way of entertaining and blackmailing top people from cabinet ministers to foreign diplomats.


A former top UK cabinet minister was photographed attending a child sex abuse orgy, according to the Sunday Mirror and investigative news website Exaro.


This was one of a series of orgies organised by Sidney Cooke, who murdered a young boy called Jason Swift in 1984.

Jason Swift, one of many children believed to have been taken from government children's homes to sex abuse parties.

Some of the orgies are believed to have been attended by Sir Jimmy Savile and by Sir Cyril Smith.

Some of the children involved are believed to have been ­trafficked to Holland by Cooke’s gang.

The former cabinet minister had been photographed by police in 1986 entering a property where one of the sex parties was being held.

Sidney Cooke, whose pedophile ring has been linked to up to 20 child murders. In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early.

A former police officer, who worked on Operation Orchid which convicted Cooke and his gang, claimed they had taken pictures of the minister, and, that 16 members of an alleged VIP paedophile ring were due to be arrested.

But the day before the arrests were to be carried out, detectives were told the operation had been disbanded.


Peter Power, who was also 'involved in' the London Bombings of 7/7

In 1987 a fire hit King's Cross underground station in London.

Allegedly, certain juvenile members of a pedophile ring were in a cafe, underground, when the fire broke out.

"Just two months before the King’s Cross Fire, pop duo, The Pet Shop Boys released their second record entitled Actually.

"The final track on the album is a melancholy song entitled, King’s Cross which, in a rather bizarre coincidence, appears to foresee a disaster at the station with the lyric:

"'Only last night I found myself lost, by the station called King’s Cross… dead and wounded on either side, you know it’s only a matter of time…'"

Tales From the Terminals: King’s Cross (Part 1, History & Film)

Allegedly, certain juvenile members of a pedophile ring were in a cafe, underground, when the fire broke out.

Allegedly, the fire was started deliberately.

King's Cross.

1987: Disaster underground: the Kings Cross Fire

"Inspector Peter Power was sent to the scene of the King's Cross fire to co-ordinate the efforts of the emergency services.

"He ran the Metropolitan Police's forward command post for much of the evening and most of the night on 18 November 1987."

ON THIS DAY | 18 | 1987: Disaster underground / WagNews: The Pied Piper of the London Bombing

Reportedly, the UK government gave money to the UK's Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).

PIE was set up in the early 1970s.

 Retired diplomat, Sir Peter Hayman was a supporter of PIE.

Police discovered his collection of obscene diaries but decided not to prosecute him.


Member of Parliament Geoffrey Dickens gave the authorities three dossiers on PIE and alleged child abusers but these dossiers were ignored.

Probe into claims government 'gave money to child sex ring in 70s'

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