Moments before he was shot
On 18 November 2013, CNN had an article entitled: One JFK conspiracy theory that could be true
CNN quotes Dave Perry who has been researching John F. Kennedy's killing since 1976.
Dave Perry : Biography - Spartacus Educational / Dave Perry's JFK Assassination Pages
Perry, a 70-year-old retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts, does not want to blame all the passengers.
However, wonder404 would agree with Poirot.
The group that decided to kill Kennedy must have included top people within the Pentagon, CIA, Military Industrial Complex, Mossad, MI6, the Media, the Big Banks, the Mafia and many more such institutions.
These are the sort of people who are involved in supplying weapons to both sides in wars, involved in the drugs trade and involved in mind-controlling children.
Mr Rachett was killed because he was a 'bad guy'.
Kennedy was no saint, and, the corrupt elite felt that he was getting out of control.
wonder404: John F Kennedy - 'mad and bad'; Cuban Missile Crisis
Perry refers to the five conspiracy theories he believes are the most popular:
1. LBJ did it.
Perry says Madeleine Brown was wrong when she claimed that LBJ had attended a party during which LBJ whispered into her ear, "After tomorrow, those Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's no threat. That's a promise."
Perry says LBJ couldn't have been at the alleged party that night.
2. The military industrial complex did it.
The claim is that Kennedy was going to pull troops out of Vietnam.
According to Perry: Kennedy never made a claim that he was going to pull out of Vietnam.
3. The mob did it.
According to Perry, it's all hearsay.
4. Oswald acted alone as part of an unknown conspiracy.
Perry reminds us that "John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln and four were hung."
Bohemian Grove 'Satanists'.
5. The CIA did it.
According to Perry, this is the one theory that he cannot debunk.
Perry says:
"Supposedly Kennedy was fed up with the shenanigans that the CIA was pulling.
"He found out the CIA was trying to kill Castro, which is a fact. So the argument is that the CIA felt that Kennedy was going to disband them. And as a result of that, they were the ones that ordered the killing of Kennedy.
"We know Oswald was in the Russian embassy in Mexico City...
"We need to know what happened in Mexico City."
So, Perry makes no mention of Mossad, Oswald's double, Stephen Ward, mind control, Knights of Malta...
The following people linked to the Kennedy assassination were reportedly gay:
Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw,
Lee Harvie Oswald, David Ferrie,
JD Tippit, George de Mohrenschildt,
Edwin Walker, Herbert Hoover,
Clyde Tolson, Louis Bloomfield,
James Jesus Angleton, Cardinal Spellman ...
(Allegations of Homosexuality & JFK Assn - The Education Forum)
The Kennedy assassination is linked to boy-loving Nazis, Bilderberg, Mafia dons and various fascist oligarchs - all connected to the CIA and Mossad and their friends.
District Attorney
Jim Garrison came to the conclusion that the plotters were a group of right-wingers with links to the CIA.
These included the CIA's David Ferrie and Clay Shaw.
David Ferrie (LEFT) Lee Harvie Oswald (RIGHT).
In New Orleans, David Ferrie was an aerospace instructor.
One of his students was 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald.
Another was Barry Seal.
Over the years, Ferrie, while working with various cadet squadrons, developed improper relations with boys ranging in age from 14-18.
Clay Shaw liked boys.
Shaw is believed to have been one of the CIA organisers of the Kennedy assassination.
"Clay Shaw's address book had the names of pro-Nazi European royalty and people in the Bilderberg Group."
(Sherm Says: The Death of JFK: The New Orleans Connection)
At Shaw's trial for the muder of Kennedy, insurance
salesman Perry Russo testified that he had attended a party at the apartment of David Ferrie.
At the party, Russo said that Ferrie, Oswald, and "Clay Bertrand" (who Russo identified in the courtroom as Clay Shaw) had discussed killing Kennedy.[6]
The CIA's MK ULTRAMore from "The Death of JFK: The New Orleans Connection":
"David Ferrie was a CIA contract pilot... who was also involved in moving drugs and guns...
"At one time Barry Seal was on his payroll
Ferrie knew both Lee Harvie Oswald and Clay Shaw.
Ferrie had studied for the priesthood.
He taught aviation at St. Benedict High School, before being fired for taking boys to a house of ill fame.
He met Lee Harvey Oswald in 1955, when Oswald joined his Cadet Squadron in New Orleans.
"Jack Martin, a Ferrie friend, speculated that Ferrie could have hypnotized Oswald in some way.
"Ferrie had a substantial library on hypnotism, and the CIA later admitted that it had experimented with mind control, MKUltra.
"Ferrie was seen with Jack Ruby before the assassination, and a hypnotist was performing at the club at the time...
"Ferrie claimed to he a hypnotist and psychotherapist, and there are reports that he was indeed a capable hypnotist..."
Website for this image
Clay Shaw was a director of Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) which "was comprised of former Italian fascists, right wing elements, CIA and Defense Department people , and representatives of the European paramilitary right."
"Ferenc Nagy ... was a director and was tied to the CIA ...
"At one time he was president of Permindex, a trade organisation, backed by the CIA.
Clay Shaw was on the board of Permindex.
"Nagy ... provided money for the Secret Army Organization, which was to attempt the assassination of Charles De Gaulle...
"Nagy was seen on the grassy knoll in Dallas on November 22, 1963..."
The main shareholder in Permindex was Geneva's Banque De Credit International , founded by Tibor Rosenbaum.
"The bank was a Mossad front, and Rosenbaum purchased arms on behalf of the Mossad.
"This bank was the chief launderer for Meyer Lansky, an American gangster.
"Joseph Bonano, another gangster was also tied to Permindex.
"Tied to Permindex were ... H.L. Hunt ...
Louis Bloomfield. In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal(1970) William Torbitt claims
that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was organized by Bloomfield and Permindex. Also involved was the Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan.
Also tied to Permindex was "Major Louis Bloomfield... a leading Zionist, one time Haganah soldier.
"From 1947 to 1970, he did contract work for the CIA ...
"He was a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. He was also closely tied to the very wealthy Bronfmans, allegedly Canada’s leading crime family.
"Using Permindex, he managed the business affairs for members of a Corsican assassin ring.
"Max Hagerman, editor of a West German Neo-Nazi magazine, does administrative work for Permindex.
"Permindex was mainly financed by oil companies and Halliburton...
"George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root also invested in Permindex. Also involved were attorney
Roy Cohn and former German General Walter Dohrnberger...
"Permindex and CMC most likely enjoyed profits from bringing heroin from the Golden Triangle to Europe, and it is likely that they worked with a number of intelligence services in this activity...
Carlos Marcello. Ferrie worked for Marcello and reportedly was the pilot who flew Marcello back into the United States from Guatemala after he had been deported in April 1961 as part of the U.S. Attorney
General Robert Kennedy's crackdown on organized crime.
Permindex "worked closely with New Orleans mafia boss Carlos Marcello, whose fleet of planes shared mechanics and pilots with Permindex.
"David Ferrie was one shared employee...
"During the two weeks before the Kennedy assasination, Ferrie stayed at Churchill Farms, Marcello 's countryside estate...
"Former MI6 agent John Coleman has theorized that Permindex orchestrated the assassination, claiming they used an international squad that is used when all else fails...
"The French president’s intelligence people traced the financing
of the assassination to Permindex and CMC.
"De Gaulle thought Mossad was also involved, and it had to move its operations to the Netherlands and Belgium.
"Some believe Permindex has ties to the old Nazi spy network of Otto Skorzeny...
"Shaw’s address book had the names of pro-Nazi European royalty and people in the Bildberg Group...
John Howard Bowen
"The Warren Commission Report noted that Lee Harvey Oswald entered Mexico on a Red Arrow bus at Laredo, Texas on September 26, 1963.
"Sitting next to Oswald on the bus was Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen...
"On October 10, 1963 he was seen in both the offices of Clay Shaw and Guy Bannister...
"Since 1934, this man , Albert Bowen-Osborne, a missionary for the American Council of Christian Churches ... had been running a school for marksmen or assassins in his orphanage in Oaxaca, Mexico.
"He was in Knoxville working for a boys club for a number of years and was fired for homosexual activities with his charges..."
In 1942 "he organized a Nazi group called the Campfire Council in Tennessee...
"Division Five of the FBI had funneled money to Oaxaca through the American Council of Christian Churches...
"It was later shown that this Bowen had ties to Clay Shaw’s CMC and to division 5 of the F.B.I.. .
"Shaw ... has been clearly tied to the CIA's Directorate of Operations..."
Garrison claimed that there was someone impersonating Oswald.
"A man claiming to be Oswald appeared in Mexico City before Oswald was there...
"There are also mysterious claims
that an Oswald visited the Soviet Embassy on September 28, but it was closed that day..."
Ferrie liked boys
According to Wikipedia:
David Ferrie (1918 - 1967) was a private investigator
and pilot.
He had studied, unsuccessfully, for the priesthood.
He taught aeronautics at Cleveland's Benedictine High School but was fired after taking boys to a house of prostitution.
In New Orleans he was briefly an aerospace education instructor at Moisant Airport.
One of his students was 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald. (Another was Barry Seal)
Over the years, Ferrie, while working with with various cadet squadrons, developed improper relations with boys ranging in age from 14-18.
By early 1961, Ferrie was working with a CIA-backed anti-Castro group in New Orleans.
In the early 1960s, Ferrie began working with private investigator
Guy Banister, formerly of the FBI.
In 1963, according to several witnesses, Ferrie and Banister worked together for lawyer
G. Wray Gill, on behalf of New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, in an attempt to block Marcello's deportation to Guatemala.
An unconfirmed Border Patrol report of February 1962 states that Ferrie was the pilot who flew Carlos Marcello back into the United States from Guatemala after he had been deported in April 1961 as part of the U.S. Attorney
General Robert Kennedy's crackdown on organized crime.
On 22 November 1963, John F Kennedy was assassinated and Marcello was acquitted in his deportation case.
Dulles, Kennedy, McCone (McCone: CIA boss 1961-65; Knight of Malta; links to Rockefeller). Seymour Hersh sees Kennedy "as a sex maniac, marital cheat, bigamist, speed freak, liar and corrupt politician who employed
in his covert service Mafia chiefs, panderers, Communist spies and political fixers and engaged in stealing national elections, shaking down corporations for contributions, plotting assassinations..." (Hersh's Dark Camelot)
On the afternoon of 22 November 1963, Guy Banister was in his office with and one of his employees, Jack Martin.
The two men got into a heated argument.
According to Martin, Banister said something to which Martin replied, "What are you going to do - kill me like you all did Kennedy?"
Banister pistol-whipped Martin several times.
In the days that followed, Jack Martin spoke to reporters and police.
Martin told the New Orleans police that Ferrie "was supposed to have been the getaway pilot in the assassination."
Martin also claimed that Ferrie had known Lee Harvey Oswald from their days in the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol, and that he had seen a photograph, at Ferrie's home, of Oswald in a Civil Air Patrol group.
Martin told the FBI that Ferrie may have hypnotized Oswald into assassinating Kennedy.
In 1966, Jim Garrison, the district attorney
of New Orleans, interviewed Jack Martin.
Martin claimed that during the summer of 1963, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and Lee Harvey Oswald worked together on anti-Castro activities.
According to testimony by Banister's personal secretary, Delphine Roberts, Ferrie and Oswald were frequent visitors to Banister's office in 1963.
She said: "I believed his work was somehow connected with the CIA."
Garrison became convinced that a group right-wingers, including Ferrie, Banister, and Clay Shaw, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the CIA to kill John F. Kennedy.
Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy's attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam.
Garrison also believed that Shaw, Banister, and Ferrie had conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.
On 22 February 1967, less than a week after the story of Garrison's investigation became public, Ferrie was found dead in his apartment.
Victor Marchetti, formerly of the CIA, has claimed that David Ferrie was connected to the CIA.
wonder404: J F KENNEDY, KRAYS, FREUDS, MOSSAD, SEX - Novotny was reportedly supplied to Kennedy by Dr Stephen Ward.
Elizabeth Taylor Slept With Reagan and Jfk, According ... - wonder404
On 18 November 2013, CNN had an article entitled: One JFK conspiracy theory that could be true
Dave Perry : Biography - Spartacus Educational / Dave Perry's JFK Assassination Pages
Perry does not rule out the theory that the CIA killed Kennedy.
Oliver Stone thinks it was a conspiracy / Even John Kerry thinks the JFK assassin had help
Hercule Poirot, in Agatha Christie's 'Murder on the Orient Express' tries to discover which of the passengers on the train has murdered Mr Ratchett'.
Poirot comes to the conclusion all of the passengers were in on it together.
Oliver Stone thinks it was a conspiracy / Even John Kerry thinks the JFK assassin had help
Hercule Poirot, in Agatha Christie's 'Murder on the Orient Express' tries to discover which of the passengers on the train has murdered Mr Ratchett'.
Poirot comes to the conclusion all of the passengers were in on it together.
Perry, a 70-year-old retired former insurance claims adjuster from Massachusetts, does not want to blame all the passengers.
However, wonder404 would agree with Poirot.
The group that decided to kill Kennedy must have included top people within the Pentagon, CIA, Military Industrial Complex, Mossad, MI6, the Media, the Big Banks, the Mafia and many more such institutions.
These are the sort of people who are involved in supplying weapons to both sides in wars, involved in the drugs trade and involved in mind-controlling children.
Mr Rachett was killed because he was a 'bad guy'.
Kennedy was no saint, and, the corrupt elite felt that he was getting out of control.
wonder404: John F Kennedy - 'mad and bad'; Cuban Missile Crisis
Just after Kennedy was shot.
1. LBJ did it.
Perry says Madeleine Brown was wrong when she claimed that LBJ had attended a party during which LBJ whispered into her ear, "After tomorrow, those Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That's no threat. That's a promise."
Perry says LBJ couldn't have been at the alleged party that night.
2. The military industrial complex did it.
The claim is that Kennedy was going to pull troops out of Vietnam.
According to Perry: Kennedy never made a claim that he was going to pull out of Vietnam.
3. The mob did it.
According to Perry, it's all hearsay.
4. Oswald acted alone as part of an unknown conspiracy.
Perry reminds us that "John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln and four were hung."
Bohemian Grove 'Satanists'.
5. The CIA did it.
According to Perry, this is the one theory that he cannot debunk.
Perry says:
"Supposedly Kennedy was fed up with the shenanigans that the CIA was pulling.
"He found out the CIA was trying to kill Castro, which is a fact. So the argument is that the CIA felt that Kennedy was going to disband them. And as a result of that, they were the ones that ordered the killing of Kennedy.
"We know Oswald was in the Russian embassy in Mexico City...
"We need to know what happened in Mexico City."
So, Perry makes no mention of Mossad, Oswald's double, Stephen Ward, mind control, Knights of Malta...
The following people linked to the Kennedy assassination were reportedly gay:
Jack Ruby, Clay Shaw,
Lee Harvie Oswald, David Ferrie,
JD Tippit, George de Mohrenschildt,
Edwin Walker, Herbert Hoover,
Clyde Tolson, Louis Bloomfield,
James Jesus Angleton, Cardinal Spellman ...
(Allegations of Homosexuality & JFK Assn - The Education Forum)
The Kennedy assassination is linked to boy-loving Nazis, Bilderberg, Mafia dons and various fascist oligarchs - all connected to the CIA and Mossad and their friends.
District Attorney
These included the CIA's David Ferrie and Clay Shaw.
David Ferrie (LEFT) Lee Harvie Oswald (RIGHT).
In New Orleans, David Ferrie was an aerospace instructor.
One of his students was 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald.
Another was Barry Seal.
Over the years, Ferrie, while working with various cadet squadrons, developed improper relations with boys ranging in age from 14-18.
Clay Shaw liked boys.
Shaw is believed to have been one of the CIA organisers of the Kennedy assassination.
"Clay Shaw's address book had the names of pro-Nazi European royalty and people in the Bilderberg Group."
(Sherm Says: The Death of JFK: The New Orleans Connection)
At Shaw's trial for the muder of Kennedy, insurance
At the party, Russo said that Ferrie, Oswald, and "Clay Bertrand" (who Russo identified in the courtroom as Clay Shaw) had discussed killing Kennedy.[6]
The CIA's MK ULTRAMore from "The Death of JFK: The New Orleans Connection":
"David Ferrie was a CIA contract pilot... who was also involved in moving drugs and guns...
"At one time Barry Seal was on his payroll
Ferrie knew both Lee Harvie Oswald and Clay Shaw.
Ferrie had studied for the priesthood.
He taught aviation at St. Benedict High School, before being fired for taking boys to a house of ill fame.
He met Lee Harvey Oswald in 1955, when Oswald joined his Cadet Squadron in New Orleans.
"Jack Martin, a Ferrie friend, speculated that Ferrie could have hypnotized Oswald in some way.
"Ferrie had a substantial library on hypnotism, and the CIA later admitted that it had experimented with mind control, MKUltra.
"Ferrie was seen with Jack Ruby before the assassination, and a hypnotist was performing at the club at the time...
"Ferrie claimed to he a hypnotist and psychotherapist, and there are reports that he was indeed a capable hypnotist..."
Website for this image
Clay Shaw was a director of Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC) which "was comprised of former Italian fascists, right wing elements, CIA and Defense Department people , and representatives of the European paramilitary right."
"Ferenc Nagy ... was a director and was tied to the CIA ...
"At one time he was president of Permindex, a trade organisation, backed by the CIA.
Clay Shaw was on the board of Permindex.
"Nagy ... provided money for the Secret Army Organization, which was to attempt the assassination of Charles De Gaulle...
"Nagy was seen on the grassy knoll in Dallas on November 22, 1963..."
The main shareholder in Permindex was Geneva's Banque De Credit International , founded by Tibor Rosenbaum.
"The bank was a Mossad front, and Rosenbaum purchased arms on behalf of the Mossad.
"This bank was the chief launderer for Meyer Lansky, an American gangster.
"Joseph Bonano, another gangster was also tied to Permindex.
"Tied to Permindex were ... H.L. Hunt ...
Louis Bloomfield. In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal(1970) William Torbitt claims
Also tied to Permindex was "Major Louis Bloomfield... a leading Zionist, one time Haganah soldier.
"From 1947 to 1970, he did contract work for the CIA ...
"He was a friend of J. Edgar Hoover. He was also closely tied to the very wealthy Bronfmans, allegedly Canada’s leading crime family.
"Using Permindex, he managed the business affairs for members of a Corsican assassin ring.
"Max Hagerman, editor of a West German Neo-Nazi magazine, does administrative work for Permindex.
"Permindex was mainly financed by oil companies and Halliburton...
"George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root also invested in Permindex. Also involved were attorney
"Permindex and CMC most likely enjoyed profits from bringing heroin from the Golden Triangle to Europe, and it is likely that they worked with a number of intelligence services in this activity...
Carlos Marcello. Ferrie worked for Marcello and reportedly was the pilot who flew Marcello back into the United States from Guatemala after he had been deported in April 1961 as part of the U.S. Attorney
Permindex "worked closely with New Orleans mafia boss Carlos Marcello, whose fleet of planes shared mechanics and pilots with Permindex.
"David Ferrie was one shared employee...
"During the two weeks before the Kennedy assasination, Ferrie stayed at Churchill Farms, Marcello 's countryside estate...
"Former MI6 agent John Coleman has theorized that Permindex orchestrated the assassination, claiming they used an international squad that is used when all else fails...
"The French president’s intelligence people traced the financing
"De Gaulle thought Mossad was also involved, and it had to move its operations to the Netherlands and Belgium.
"Some believe Permindex has ties to the old Nazi spy network of Otto Skorzeny...
"Shaw’s address book had the names of pro-Nazi European royalty and people in the Bildberg Group...
John Howard Bowen
"The Warren Commission Report noted that Lee Harvey Oswald entered Mexico on a Red Arrow bus at Laredo, Texas on September 26, 1963.
"Sitting next to Oswald on the bus was Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowen...
"On October 10, 1963 he was seen in both the offices of Clay Shaw and Guy Bannister...
"Since 1934, this man , Albert Bowen-Osborne, a missionary for the American Council of Christian Churches ... had been running a school for marksmen or assassins in his orphanage in Oaxaca, Mexico.
"He was in Knoxville working for a boys club for a number of years and was fired for homosexual activities with his charges..."
In 1942 "he organized a Nazi group called the Campfire Council in Tennessee...
"Division Five of the FBI had funneled money to Oaxaca through the American Council of Christian Churches...
"It was later shown that this Bowen had ties to Clay Shaw’s CMC and to division 5 of the F.B.I.. .
"Shaw ... has been clearly tied to the CIA's Directorate of Operations..."
Garrison claimed that there was someone impersonating Oswald.
"A man claiming to be Oswald appeared in Mexico City before Oswald was there...
"There are also mysterious claims
Ferrie liked boys
According to Wikipedia:
David Ferrie (1918 - 1967) was a private investigator
He had studied, unsuccessfully, for the priesthood.
He taught aeronautics at Cleveland's Benedictine High School but was fired after taking boys to a house of prostitution.
In New Orleans he was briefly an aerospace education instructor at Moisant Airport.
One of his students was 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald. (Another was Barry Seal)
Over the years, Ferrie, while working with with various cadet squadrons, developed improper relations with boys ranging in age from 14-18.
By early 1961, Ferrie was working with a CIA-backed anti-Castro group in New Orleans.
In the early 1960s, Ferrie began working with private investigator
In 1963, according to several witnesses, Ferrie and Banister worked together for lawyer
An unconfirmed Border Patrol report of February 1962 states that Ferrie was the pilot who flew Carlos Marcello back into the United States from Guatemala after he had been deported in April 1961 as part of the U.S. Attorney
On 22 November 1963, John F Kennedy was assassinated and Marcello was acquitted in his deportation case.
Dulles, Kennedy, McCone (McCone: CIA boss 1961-65; Knight of Malta; links to Rockefeller). Seymour Hersh sees Kennedy "as a sex maniac, marital cheat, bigamist, speed freak, liar and corrupt politician who employed
On the afternoon of 22 November 1963, Guy Banister was in his office with and one of his employees, Jack Martin.
The two men got into a heated argument.
According to Martin, Banister said something to which Martin replied, "What are you going to do - kill me like you all did Kennedy?"
Banister pistol-whipped Martin several times.
In the days that followed, Jack Martin spoke to reporters and police.
Martin told the New Orleans police that Ferrie "was supposed to have been the getaway pilot in the assassination."
Martin also claimed that Ferrie had known Lee Harvey Oswald from their days in the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol, and that he had seen a photograph, at Ferrie's home, of Oswald in a Civil Air Patrol group.
Martin told the FBI that Ferrie may have hypnotized Oswald into assassinating Kennedy.
In 1966, Jim Garrison, the district attorney
Martin claimed that during the summer of 1963, David Ferrie, Guy Banister and Lee Harvey Oswald worked together on anti-Castro activities.
According to testimony by Banister's personal secretary, Delphine Roberts, Ferrie and Oswald were frequent visitors to Banister's office in 1963.
She said: "I believed his work was somehow connected with the CIA."
Garrison became convinced that a group right-wingers, including Ferrie, Banister, and Clay Shaw, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the CIA to kill John F. Kennedy.
Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy's attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam.
Garrison also believed that Shaw, Banister, and Ferrie had conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.
On 22 February 1967, less than a week after the story of Garrison's investigation became public, Ferrie was found dead in his apartment.
Victor Marchetti, formerly of the CIA, has claimed that David Ferrie was connected to the CIA.
wonder404: Kennedy assassination
wonder404: Kennedy assassination
wonder404: J F KENNEDY, KRAYS, FREUDS, MOSSAD, SEX - Novotny was reportedly supplied to Kennedy by Dr Stephen Ward.
Elizabeth Taylor Slept With Reagan and Jfk, According ... - wonder404
may you like this
Clay Shaw,
Dave Perry,
David Ferrie,
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