Posted by explogame On Wednesday 2 September 2015 0 comments

Amanda Slater 

"The Scottish National party has declared it 'game on' for next year’s referendum on independence from the UK after a poll it commissioned found support for a ‘Yes’ vote outnumbering that for ‘No’ by 1 percentage point.

"The result of the Panelbase poll, which found 44 per cent favouring independence to 43 per cent against, contrasted sharply with a number of other surveys in recent months that have suggested a clear lead for the ‘No’ campaign."

SNP buoyed by poll in favour of independence

A YouGov survey unveiled at the weekend suggested 59 per cent of Scottish voters would vote against independence, with support for independence at just 29 per cent.

YouGov is suspected of being run by the security services.

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