Posted by explogame On Tuesday 25 August 2015 0 comments

John Key, and his son Max

Stephanie Key has been posing naked with an octopus and Big Macs.

Stephanie is the daughter of John Key, the Jewish prime minister of New Zealand.

Daughter of New Zealand Prime Minister

Stephanie Key

New Zealand has had three Jewish prime ministers: Julius Vogel and Francis Bell and John Key.

One might think that Israel insists on controlling New Zealand.

Former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark, whom Mossad reportedly tried to assassinate.

In 2004, Mossad's Zev Barkan's reportedly tried to to assassinate New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark. 

( Assassination)

New Zealand prime minister David Lange, who claimed the US government threatened to kill him.

In 2002, David Lange, prime minister of New Zealand 1984-89, announced that the USA had threatened to kill him. 

(wonder404: David Lange says US threatened to kill him. )

Lange died in mysterious circumstances in 2005.

Stephanie, whose pop is the New Zealand Prime Minister.

One might wonder if Stephanie has been mind-controlled?

 Stephanie Key

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