Posted by explogame On Monday 2 March 2015 0 comments
The funeral of David Traill.

On 29 November 2013, a police helicopter crashed onto the Clutha pub in central Glasgow.

The cause - two vital fuel switches were turned off during the flight.

Mystery of turned off fuel flow switches in Clutha helicopter

Why would an experienced pilot knowingly turn them off?

Anonymous said: "One eye witness to the crash said the roof of the pub exploded first bringing down the copter."

The switches, which control the flow of fuel to the engines, are both supposed to be on throughout a flight.

The switches which control the pumps are located in the cockpit ceiling to the rear of the pilot and can only be turned off manually.

Why was autorotation - a form of emergency landing which pilots perform in the event of double engine failure - not achieved?

Captain David Traill

Ten people died in the incident, all three on board and seven people on the ground.

The pilot who died in the crash, Captain David Traill, 51, was a former RAF pilot and instructor.

He is thought to have been one of Prince William's flight instructors.

The helicopter crashed through the flat roof of the Clutha Vaults at 10.22pm on 29 November 2013.[9]

Someone at the TAP blog wrote:

"I drove into the city center that night around 7.45pm. 

There was a huge police presence at Bath St/ Pit St down to the corner where the Griffin pub is. 

"No one seemed to be doing anything though, just standing about with 2 streets blocked off, and their emergency response truck sitting doing nothing. 

"There were also more police around the Glasgow Green area at the Barras, doing what?

"I just found it strange and even mentioned it to my Mrs when I got home around 9pm. An hour or more later and I was seeing the news reports. 

"I don't know about false flags etc, but could this have maybe been a police exercise that unfortunately went wrong because the helicopter ran out of fuel?"

Did Glasgow helicopter run out of fuel?

In Glasgow, on 29 November 2013, a police helicopter fell out of the sky 'like a stone'. Clutha helicopter crash: No mechanical fault found Investigators have found no evidence of engine or gearbox failure in the police helicopter which crashed into a busy pub in Glasgow killing nine people.

Anonymous wrote:

"So it's the 25th anniversary of PanAm 103 landing on top of Sherwood Crescent in Lockerbie, and the subesquent whitewash of the biggest mass murder perpetrated on Scottish soil in centuries.

"Also the police quietly 'dropped' allegations claiming the SAS murdered Princess Diana...

Investigation closed into 'Princess Diana killed by British special forces' claim by ex-SAS sniper.

"And let's not forget Princess William quit the army very soon after these claims were made public recently.

"And now his flight instructor dies in mysterious circumstances days after the White Paper is released promoting Scottish Independence..."

In Glasgow, on 29 November 2013, the police helicopter fell out of the sky 'like a stone'.

It landed on a crowded place of entertainment called the Clutha pub.

"Investigators have refused to rule out foul play as they examined possible causes of the crash, including whether the pilot was shot...

"Witnesses reported hearing the helicopter engine 'misfiring' at 10.25pm, and air accident investigators are examining whether there was a mechanical fault."

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The pilot who died in the crash is thought to have been one of Prince William's flight instructors.

David Traill, 51, was a helicopter instructor at the Hampshire base where Prince William learned how to fly five years ago.

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