Posted by explogame On Tuesday, 24 February 2015 0 comments

We posed the question: ON WHOSE SIDE IS THE CIA IN THAILAND?

In Thailand it has been the Red Shirts (supporters of the Shinawatra family) against the Yellow Shirts (traditionalists).

Anon from Australia writes:

It's a tough question isn't it? 

For mine there are a couple of salient points that sway me.

- The Shinawatras keep winning elections. 

It seems they're beloved everywhere except the capital. 

I know two Thai people (this is in Oz you understand) and they love Thaksin Shinawatra.

- The first side to do the Soros-style colour code thing was the Yellows. 

Shinawatra didn't have a colour until after he was deposed.

- That first yellow revolution was treated with kid gloves. 

They were magically allowed to occupy the airport in the middle of the war on terror. 

They were proper media darlings.

- The latter red revolution involved a good deal of violence from the police, military, and themselves (or so saith the police and the military).

They were clearly not media darlings and were broadly portrayed as troublemakers.

- The Shinawatras are parvenu. The yellows strike me as old school/bloodlines.

And here's a thought (and harking back to the first point): let's imagine a goverment beloved by the poor was actually fake, i.e. deluding the poor with baubles and trinkets whilst simultaneously fucking them over. 
Yeah? Certainly such governments exist and can win an election. Okay so how many of them make make it to a second and third term without turning authoritarian and otherwise giving the game away?

You know what I mean? The reds have been electorally invincible for years. How do you fake that? And here's the yellows twisting themselves inside out to explain why democracy isn't working in this case. Yeah right...

Whilst I stand to be swayed by the case for the yellows, I'm still given to thinking the reds have it.

best etc. etc.

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