Our dreams usually contain people we have met before and people we have not met before.
Strangers in dreams | Psychology Today.
It is as if our minds are tuning in to something like foreign radio stations, or other people's worlds, or the collective subconscious.
Stuart Hameroff, an anaesthesiologist at the University of Arizona, Tucson, wrote in New Scientist that dreams resemble quantum information with their "multiple coexisting possibilities, timelessness, hidden meaning and bizarre logic."
Our bodies are made up of tiny particles.
The 'double-slit experiment' suggests that our minds can decide the behaviour of particles.
The experiment "demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles, and that the behaviour of the particle changes based on a person's perception and consciousness."
Studying the cosmos.
Can other people's minds affect the particles that make up our bodies?
Can good doctors work 'miracles'?
"The 'Copenhagen interpretation' of quantum mechanics states that a particle exists in all states at once until it is observed.
In other words, you are both happy and unhappy until you decide which state you are in.
The cat in the box is both alive and dead, until you open the box and decide its fate.
In the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, a cat in a box is both alive and dead until someone lifts the lid and observes it.
Only then is the cat discovered to be either ‘alive’ or ‘dead’.
The Quantum Zeno Effect suggests that a particle that could decay, if observed continuously, will never decay.
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But eventually you may find something more relevant.
Fritz Perls sees dreams as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored, rejected, or suppressed.[34]
I knew a lady who believed that while she was asleep she could actually visit her relatives who lived on a distant island.
"Quantum physics itself is pointing out that this seemingly objective universe of ours is more like a dream than we have previously imagined.
"Upon further inspection, to quote noted physicist, mathematician and astronomer James Jeans, “The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.”
"Quantum physics points out in the Observer Effect that, just like in a dream, in the act of observing we affect and actually evoke the very universe that we are observing.
"Being like a dream, we have much more power to creatively give shape and form to our waking reality than is generally realized.
"Being like a dream, we have much more power to creatively give shape and form to our waking reality than is generally realized.
"The discoveries of the new physics point to the hitherto-unsuspected powers of the mind to mold seemingly external reality rather than the other way around.
"This God-given power of how we co-create reality with this universe of ours is being shown to us night after night in our night dreams...
"Things that seem to be obstructing our journey through life are actually getting dreamed up... The obstacle itself is, in disguised form, the very catalyst we need to transcend the obstacle..."
Your Dreams: Analysis by Lauren Lawrence.
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