'Victims of van Rooyen'
Part Three of the Child Abuse Timeline. We include extracts from the blog Fighting Back:
1990 - Gert van Rooyen and his accomplice are accused of murdering several young girls.
One of the accused's sons is later accused of murdering a Zimbabwean girl in 1991.
This son claims his father's victims are involved in international child pornography rings, slavery and Satanic rituals.[33][34][35]
The case is so similar to crimes committed by Marc Dutroux that multiple agencies investigate a possible international smuggling ring in prostituted children and body parts.[36]

1990's - Scallywag magazine names Alastair McAlpine as an abuser of children from a care home in North Wales.
1990 - North Wales children's care homes abuse. Stephen Norris is jailed for 12 years for rape and indecent assault.

The Crest Hotel in Wrexham, 'where child abuse took place'.
1990 Elm Guest House boy brothel owner Carol Kasir gives a list of top people to whistleblower.
Soon after, Carole Kasir is found dead, age 47, in her flat.
1990 - Child rapist and 'murderer' Jimmy Savile is awarded a Papal Knighhood by Pope John Paul II, reportedly an asset of the CIA.

1990 - In Rochdale, up to 20 children are taken from their homes and parents after social services believe them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse.
Rochdale is the home of child abuser Sir Cyril Smith.
The late 80's and early 90's prominently feature citations of satanic ritual abuse.
1990, March - September - Investigations into the Elm Guest House boy brothel reveal that Richmond Social Services and the police have been 'wrongfully taking ... children into care (and) falsifying evidence."
Boys have been supplied to a number of MPs, local councillors and other important figures.
Some of whom are as young as 8 years old.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited his yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the Dutroux pedophile gang.
1990 - 'A' contacted the National Association for Young People in Care (NAYPIC) and says that as a young teenager he was forced to film snuff movies in a warehouse in or around Amsterdam.
Before he can give testimony, he is drugged and pulled into a van. He is never heard of again.
http://www.whale.to/c/reality6.html / http://www.youthparliament.org.uk/bo...localgroup.htm
1990, October - The UK police are informed of (1) Alan Williams trafficking boys into Amsterdam (2) a dozen tapes, produced in a house in North London with bondage room for boys, delivered to Alan Williams (3) Warwick Spinks selling a special video for £4,000 of a boy 8/9 being tortured by 2 men.

Spinks is connected to the Temse network (Belgium-Holland-Portugal) and to organized holidays which include filmed child abuse in Madeira, run by Norbert De Rijck and De Souza.
Spinks is paying trips to Robert Van Der Naeten, who is smuggling kids from Madeira to the Dutch brothels.
The 'Zandvoort File' revealed a network which dealt in the kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse of children, even infants.
Involved were high-profile names.
(Spinks is investigated in 1992 in connection with filmed rapes, tortures and murders of at least 5 children.)
Manuel Schadwald who went missing in 1993. Reportedly, a top politician from Holland was present when a young boy was murdered. Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy. Censored31 threatens to spread picture of naked SG of Justice "Marcel Vervloesem confirmed what earlier sources already reported: Joris Demmink attended the satanic lust murder of the German boy Manuel Schadwald." 'DEMMINK BIJ MOORD OP MANUEL SCHADWALD- Translate this page
Spinks is suspected of involvement in the Manuel Schadwald case. He is close to Lothar Glandorf, in whose brothel Manuel was seen.
Furthermore, Spinks will talk of a boy murdered in a Dutch snuff movie who, according to his friend Frank, was nicked named “Manny” and fitted description of Manuel.
Warwick Spinks leaves Holland for England and lives in Hastings, when he was finally charged for abducting and raping two street boys from London and selling one of them to a Dutch brothel.(5yr jail)
1990, December 12th - Savile appears on 'This Is Your Life' hosted by Michael Aspel. Guests include Roger Ordish.

The case is so similar to crimes committed by Marc Dutroux that multiple agencies investigate a possible international smuggling ring in prostituted children and body parts.[36]

1990's - Scallywag magazine names Alastair McAlpine as an abuser of children from a care home in North Wales.
1990 - North Wales children's care homes abuse. Stephen Norris is jailed for 12 years for rape and indecent assault.

The Crest Hotel in Wrexham, 'where child abuse took place'.
1990 Elm Guest House boy brothel owner Carol Kasir gives a list of top people to whistleblower.
Soon after, Carole Kasir is found dead, age 47, in her flat.
1990 - Child rapist and 'murderer' Jimmy Savile is awarded a Papal Knighhood by Pope John Paul II, reportedly an asset of the CIA.

1990 - In Rochdale, up to 20 children are taken from their homes and parents after social services believe them to be involved in satanic or occult ritual abuse.
Rochdale is the home of child abuser Sir Cyril Smith.
The late 80's and early 90's prominently feature citations of satanic ritual abuse.
1990, March - September - Investigations into the Elm Guest House boy brothel reveal that Richmond Social Services and the police have been 'wrongfully taking ... children into care (and) falsifying evidence."
Boys have been supplied to a number of MPs, local councillors and other important figures.
Some of whom are as young as 8 years old.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited his yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the Dutroux pedophile gang.
1990 - 'A' contacted the National Association for Young People in Care (NAYPIC) and says that as a young teenager he was forced to film snuff movies in a warehouse in or around Amsterdam.
Before he can give testimony, he is drugged and pulled into a van. He is never heard of again.
http://www.whale.to/c/reality6.html / http://www.youthparliament.org.uk/bo...localgroup.htm
1990, October - The UK police are informed of (1) Alan Williams trafficking boys into Amsterdam (2) a dozen tapes, produced in a house in North London with bondage room for boys, delivered to Alan Williams (3) Warwick Spinks selling a special video for £4,000 of a boy 8/9 being tortured by 2 men.

Spinks is connected to the Temse network (Belgium-Holland-Portugal) and to organized holidays which include filmed child abuse in Madeira, run by Norbert De Rijck and De Souza.
Spinks is paying trips to Robert Van Der Naeten, who is smuggling kids from Madeira to the Dutch brothels.
The 'Zandvoort File' revealed a network which dealt in the kidnapping, torture and sexual abuse of children, even infants.
Involved were high-profile names.
(Spinks is investigated in 1992 in connection with filmed rapes, tortures and murders of at least 5 children.)

Spinks is suspected of involvement in the Manuel Schadwald case. He is close to Lothar Glandorf, in whose brothel Manuel was seen.
Furthermore, Spinks will talk of a boy murdered in a Dutch snuff movie who, according to his friend Frank, was nicked named “Manny” and fitted description of Manuel.
Warwick Spinks leaves Holland for England and lives in Hastings, when he was finally charged for abducting and raping two street boys from London and selling one of them to a Dutch brothel.(5yr jail)
1990, December 12th - Savile appears on 'This Is Your Life' hosted by Michael Aspel. Guests include Roger Ordish.

Dartanyon Hurst, last seen at a skate park in 2010 (South Australia Police)
1991 - In Perth, Western Australia, police linked Scott Gozenton, a self-professed Satanist, with organized child sexual abuse.
1991 - In Perth, Western Australia, police linked Scott Gozenton, a self-professed Satanist, with organized child sexual abuse.
His lawyer claimed 13 satanic covens existed in the area, holding orgies involving children, and that Gozenton had been followed and threatened by "coven" members throughout the court proceedings.[1]
In 1997, ABC newsreader Rod Young tells viewers snuff films have allegedly been produced in Brisbane, citing alleged existence of video tape shot on the bank of the Brisbane river, in which a young male person is murdered.
Young claims someone alleges police are aware of the existence of this tape, and alleges high level police and government corruption. (The 2000 disappearance of Steven Goldsmith from Brisbane Australia .)
In 1997, ABC newsreader Rod Young tells viewers snuff films have allegedly been produced in Brisbane, citing alleged existence of video tape shot on the bank of the Brisbane river, in which a young male person is murdered.
Young claims someone alleges police are aware of the existence of this tape, and alleges high level police and government corruption. (The 2000 disappearance of Steven Goldsmith from Brisbane Australia .)

1991 - Police discover Rabet's Sussex children's centre is partly financed by convicted child pornographers and that he is part of a ring of wealthy, well-connected paedophiles.
North Wales child abuse.
1991 - social worker Alison Taylor submits a dossier of allegations from over 100 young people to North Wales Police, the local authority and Welsh Office.
Tayler had first provided evidence as early as 1986.
25 people are arrested but released without charge.
1992 - Five separate police investigations into allegations of abuse at separate homes in North wales.
1992 - Clwyd Council held inquiry into Cartrefle children's homes but it was never published.
1992 - Spinks is first investigated by police.
1992 - At the home of Charles Napier, former British Council teacher and one time treasurer of the Paedophile Information Exchange, police find ''hard-core child abuse images from Amsterdam'' and a "quarter-century of correspondence" between paedophiles in Britain and around the world.

1992 - A fire at a property in Brighton killed Adrian Johns, a key witness to the child abuse at Bryn Estyn children's care home in North wales.
Fire victims' relatives call for new inquiry | Mail Online / The family destroyed by being `in care' - Life & Style - The Independent
It has been suggested that Adrian's brother Lee "may have accessed computer data detailing financial transactions between South Coast drug dealers and those running a porn video and rent-boy network."
Lee was found dead in 1995.
AU - Mystery Arson
Another attendee at the Brighton flat was Trevor Carrington who survived the fire but was later apparently run down and killed by a truck (on 21 April 1992, on the Lindfield to Ardingly Road), hours after allegedly confessing to starting the fire!
The fire investigator who examined the building, which had no fire escape, said the fire was started in three places at once!
Other reports have it that the Palmeira Avenue flat was linked to tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten.

Derek Laud, who allegedly he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school. Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher
"With the five young people from Clwyd who died in the Brigton fire was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Derek Laud has a home and where Michael Colvin lived."
Fire victims' relatives call for new inquiry | Mail Online / The family destroyed by being `in care' - Life & Style - The Independent
It has been suggested that Adrian's brother Lee "may have accessed computer data detailing financial transactions between South Coast drug dealers and those running a porn video and rent-boy network."
Lee was found dead in 1995.
AU - Mystery Arson
Another attendee at the Brighton flat was Trevor Carrington who survived the fire but was later apparently run down and killed by a truck (on 21 April 1992, on the Lindfield to Ardingly Road), hours after allegedly confessing to starting the fire!
The fire investigator who examined the building, which had no fire escape, said the fire was started in three places at once!
Other reports have it that the Palmeira Avenue flat was linked to tycoon Nicholas van Hoogstraten.

Derek Laud, who allegedly he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school. Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher
"With the five young people from Clwyd who died in the Brigton fire was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Derek Laud has a home and where Michael Colvin lived."

Manuel Schadwald
1993 - 12 year old Manuel Schadwald goes missing in Berlin on July 24th 1993.
Was a top politician present when a young boy was murdered?
Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.
Manuel Schadwald was allegedly murdered in snuff film.

Lee Tucker
1993 - Informant Frank tells of Spinks taking boys from Amsterdam on monthly trips to Berlin and of
obtaining boys from Berlin, reportedly including Manuel Schadwald
Frank taken on trip to Canaries too.
Frank sees a snuff film involving a 12 yr old called Manny in a barn in the Dutch countryside.
Reportedly Manny is filmed by John Gay and Lee Tucker in Lothar Glandorf's barn.
http://www.nickdavies.net/2000/10/01...ry-fell-apart/ / http://jorisdemminkrules.files.wordp...-demmink-1.pdf

1994 - Jerry Sandusky is molesting children.
The Penn State child sex abuse scandal broke in 2011 at Pennsylvania State University, as a result of longtime football coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of at least eight underage boys on or near university property, and alleged actions by some university officials to cover up the incidents or to enable more.
Sandusky was indicted in 2011 on 52 counts of child molestation dating from 1994 to 2009, though the abuse may have dated as far back as the 1970s.[1]

Frankie Probst. Frankie Probst.
Reportedly, Jerry Sandusky's Second Mile Foundation, was used to "pimp out young boys to rich (Penn State) donors."

Frankie Probst. Frankie Probst.
In 1977, Sandusky set up the Second Mile Foundation to help underprivileged youths.
Ray Gricar was the prosecutor for Centre County, the home of Pennsylvania State University.
In 1998, he refused to prosecute charges brought by one of the early victims.
In 2005, he left town never to be seen again.
In 1998, he refused to prosecute charges brought by one of the early victims.
In 2005, he left town never to be seen again.

PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: Hershey Childrens' Home sexual abuse
"The Milton Hershey School, the wealthy and nationally acclaimed free boarding school for disadvantaged children, quietly paid $3 million earlier ... to compensate for the sexual abuse suffered by five former students, The Inquirer learned."
"The Milton Hershey School, the wealthy and nationally acclaimed free boarding school for disadvantaged children, quietly paid $3 million earlier ... to compensate for the sexual abuse suffered by five former students, The Inquirer learned."
(What ever happened - Page 2 - Milton Hershey Alumni Forums)
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: The Kids For Cash, judicial corruption scandal.
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: The Kids For Cash, judicial corruption scandal.
In Pennsylvania, former Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr was sentenced to 28 years in prison for taking $1m (£617,000) in bribes from the builder of two juvenile detention centres in a case that became known as "kids-for-cash".
The Pennsylvania supreme court overturned about 4,000 convictions issued by Ciavarella between 2003 and 2008. ('Kids for cash' judge gets 28 years in Pennsylvania bribery case ...)

Bush in Pennsylvania.
The Second Mile Foundation was recognized as one of President Bush’s 1000 Points of Light.
Marvin P. Bush is on the National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors
(Jerry Sandusky, Second Mile Foundation and Penn St... )
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: Child abuse in foster care and adoption.

Nathaniel (right) and the parents who adopted him and killed him.
Nathaniel Craver was adopted from Russia by a couple from Pennsylvania.
Nathaniel died on 25 August 2009, from complications from traumatic brain injury.
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: Child abuse in foster care and adoption.

Nathaniel (right) and the parents who adopted him and killed him.
Nathaniel Craver was adopted from Russia by a couple from Pennsylvania.
Nathaniel died on 25 August 2009, from complications from traumatic brain injury.
The emaciated child had some 80 wounds to his body, 20 of which were to his head.
Michael and Nanette Craver, were sentenced to 16 months to four years in prison.

PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: The False Memory Syndrome, reportedly used to protect those who abuse children.
This was designed at the University of Pennsylvania, by people linked to the CIA.
DR RALPH UNDERWAGER "helped found FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION created by CIA/MKULTRA mind controllers DRS LOUIS WEST and MARTIN ORNE to suppress evidence of child abuse."
Michael and Nanette Craver, were sentenced to 16 months to four years in prison.

PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: The False Memory Syndrome, reportedly used to protect those who abuse children.
This was designed at the University of Pennsylvania, by people linked to the CIA.
DR RALPH UNDERWAGER "helped found FALSE MEMORY SYNDROME FOUNDATION created by CIA/MKULTRA mind controllers DRS LOUIS WEST and MARTIN ORNE to suppress evidence of child abuse."
(False Memory Syndrome Foundation. / A Brief Overview Of The Founding Members Of The False Memory ...)

PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: Dr Earl Bradley, a pediatrician from Delaware, Pennsylvania.
Bradley was indicted in February 2010 on 471 charges of molestation, rape and exploitation of 103 child patients.
Bradley was indicted in February 2010 on 471 charges of molestation, rape and exploitation of 103 child patients.
He was charged in April 2010 with an additional 58 offences. (Earl Bradley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: 'Murdered' prosecutors PA Gricar and Jonathan Luna
PENNSYLVANIA is the home of: 'Murdered' prosecutors PA Gricar and Jonathan Luna
On 4 December 2003, Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan P. Luna was found dead, lying in a stream and stabbed thirty-six times, outside Lancaster, Pennsylvania. (Death of Jonathan Luna - baltimoresun.com)

John Allen at Bryn Alyn 1972. Daves Bits.
1994, April - UK Police launch investigation into child abuse at homes in Cheshire and Merseyside.
independent.co.uk/ http://www.nickdavies.net/
1995 - John Allen, head and founder of the Bryn Alyn community schools in North wales, is convicted of sexual offences against six boys in his care and sent to jail for 11 years. November 2012 he is seen working at a Premier Inn.
1995/96 - John Jillings, carried out first inquiry in to child abuse rings in North wales children's care homes with damning conclusions.
The report is not published.
1995 - Prince Charles visits Jersey.
1995 - Leon Brittan becomes European Commissioner for Trade and European Commissioner for External Affairs, also serving as Vice-President of the European Commission.

Geoffrey Dickens
1995 Geoffrey Dickens dies. In 1984 Geoffrey Dickens MP handed to Leon Brittan's office a 50 page dossier on VIP child abuse with links to Elm Guest House .
1995 - John Stamford, of the Spartacus guide to boy brothels, dies in prison age 56, just before standing trial on child sex charges.

In Belgium, Member of Parliament Laurent Louis publicised a list of names that an 'anonymous' group sent to all parliamentarians in Belgium. The list was of all the people ALLEGEDLY involved in the Dutroux affair. Among the names listed: US General Michael Aquino (who has had an important role in military psychological warfare; involved in "Monarch" brainwashing; Councillor for Western Europe Chiefs of Staff) Paul Bonacci, victim of Monarch brainwashing, Willy Claes Secretary General of NATO in 1994 and 95, Elio di Rupo currently Belgian Prime Minister, André Cools , assassinated Belgian government minister... http://jeugdzorg-darkhorse. blogspot.nl/2013/03/no-faith-in-dutch-family-law.html
1995-1996 - Marc Dutroux 'kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused 6 girls aged from 8-19, murdering 4.'
Dutroux had been in operation long before 1995 and the police had apparently tried very hard not to capture him.
Dutroux was arrested in 1996 thanks to the actions of some honest people within the criminal justice system.
The discovery of computer discs at Dutroux's house, in 1996, "unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies."
1994, April - UK Police launch investigation into child abuse at homes in Cheshire and Merseyside.
independent.co.uk/ http://www.nickdavies.net/
1995 - John Allen, head and founder of the Bryn Alyn community schools in North wales, is convicted of sexual offences against six boys in his care and sent to jail for 11 years. November 2012 he is seen working at a Premier Inn.
1995/96 - John Jillings, carried out first inquiry in to child abuse rings in North wales children's care homes with damning conclusions.
The report is not published.
1995 - Prince Charles visits Jersey.
1995 - Leon Brittan becomes European Commissioner for Trade and European Commissioner for External Affairs, also serving as Vice-President of the European Commission.

Geoffrey Dickens
1995 Geoffrey Dickens dies. In 1984 Geoffrey Dickens MP handed to Leon Brittan's office a 50 page dossier on VIP child abuse with links to Elm Guest House .
1995 - John Stamford, of the Spartacus guide to boy brothels, dies in prison age 56, just before standing trial on child sex charges.

In Belgium, Member of Parliament Laurent Louis publicised a list of names that an 'anonymous' group sent to all parliamentarians in Belgium. The list was of all the people ALLEGEDLY involved in the Dutroux affair. Among the names listed: US General Michael Aquino (who has had an important role in military psychological warfare; involved in "Monarch" brainwashing; Councillor for Western Europe Chiefs of Staff) Paul Bonacci, victim of Monarch brainwashing, Willy Claes Secretary General of NATO in 1994 and 95, Elio di Rupo currently Belgian Prime Minister, André Cools , assassinated Belgian government minister... http://jeugdzorg-darkhorse. blogspot.nl/2013/03/no-faith-in-dutch-family-law.html
1995-1996 - Marc Dutroux 'kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused 6 girls aged from 8-19, murdering 4.'
Dutroux had been in operation long before 1995 and the police had apparently tried very hard not to capture him.
Dutroux was arrested in 1996 thanks to the actions of some honest people within the criminal justice system.
The discovery of computer discs at Dutroux's house, in 1996, "unraveled an international pedophile ring involving Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, the U.S., Great Britain, Japan and the United Nations and its agencies."

Dutroux was convicted in 2004.
The Dutroux affair was about a child abuse network that provided children to top people in Belgium and beyond - people linked to the CIA's Operation Gladio, Bilderberg and Mossad.
Alleged member of mass sex ring involving VIPs, police and government in Belgium and Le Chateau des Amerois which included torture and murder.

Regina Louf
Regina Louf described various orgies she had been forced to attend in her youth and named a top Belgian businessman, Jean-Michel Nihoul, as the chief organiser.
Regina had also seen a young Dutroux there. She described a house in detail and a murder she had seen at a 'sex slave' party in 1984.

Nihoul. Michel Nihoul was the person who allegedly organised orgies in a Belgian chateau. These Orgies allegedly were attended by a former European commissioner, judges, senior politicians, lawyers and policemen. Nihoul was a close friend of U.S. General John Singlaub and the Rev. Moon.
Dutroux alleged from the beginning that he was not acting alone, saying that Nihoul was the actual 'brains' of the operation.
The authorities were determined not to believe him.
Marc Dutroux's lawyer, Xavier Magnee, has said that Dutroux was part of a criminal network supplying the sex trade.

Boy from Charleroi in Belgium, near the home of Marc Dutroux, who allegedly worked for the security services. ( the wor)ld's worst ...)
Magnee said Dutroux was a "small fish" working for a network with links to the police.
Magnee said prosecutors had ignored evidence that might have linked the ring to a Satanic cult called Abrasax, which is suspected of performing human sacrifices.
Magnee said Dutroux was a "small fish" working for a network with links to the police.
Magnee said prosecutors had ignored evidence that might have linked the ring to a Satanic cult called Abrasax, which is suspected of performing human sacrifices.
Dutroux says he abducted girls with police help
In 1996, at the village of Forchies-la-Marche, the police investigated an institute of Black Magic. They dug up human skulls. (The Irish press coverup of the Marc Dutroux Murders!)

Andre Cools, linked to the Dutroux Affair, was shot dead. "Among the names that Cools promised to present evidence on were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld..."(Conspiracy Planet - Whistleblower: Oswald LeWinter - Bush-Cheney ...)
Marc Dutroux insisted that he was not a "lone predator" but part of a wider paedophile ring.
Dutroux described himself as a victim, a "puppet in a show trial" who had to be put away to "hide the truth" and serve the interests of "organised corruption".
Dutroux said only 10% of the case had been examined. He asked why independent-minded policemen had been removed from the investigating team. -
Dutroux insists he was part of paedophile ring

Sabine escaped from Dutroux.
"It was also described how this cabal could place their own investigators in leading positions of the child abuse investigations and dismantle it by blocking important inquiries, putting detectives on false leads, and making carefully planned leaks to friendly newspapers." - BriansDreams.com Cached
"Dutroux... was closely tied to a senior Portuguese diplomat, Jorge Ritto...
"Ritto has been implicated and jailed as a major figure in Portugal's Casa Pia pedophilia scandal."

Warwick Spinks - linked to child kidnapping, torture and murder.
1995 - Warwick Spinks is sentenced to 7 years in jail.
This is reduced on appeal to 5 years.
Spinks is able to flee from the UK after 30 months.
Like Dutroux and Savile, he appears to be working for the security services.
Spinks settles in Prague, a major centre of child abuse.
CZECH REPUBLIC; ISRAEL; CHILD ABUSE; ZEMAN. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news...wanted-1443407. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/WE+SMA......-a060954400
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